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Let us put premium on shea butter industry - Paul

Tue, 5 Dec 2006 Source: GNA

Tamale, Dec. 05, GNA - Madam Anna-Maria Fati Paul, Executive Chairperson of Northern Ghana Commodity Action Fund (NOGCAF), a women's group, has called on Government to put premium on the shea butter industry in the north.

She noted that shea nut was considered as one of the few natural resources available in rural areas of northern Ghana, saying: "The commodity must therefore be given the attention it deserves just as cocoa and coffee."

Madam Paul said this could enhance the country's chances of attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on poverty and the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy II (GPRS II).

She made the call when addressing the opening session of a three-day Regional Conference on the Development of Shea butter industry in Tamale on Tuesday.

The "Tung Teeya" Shea Butter Extraction Women's Association (TUSEWA) organised the conference on the theme: "Moving the Shea Industry Forward - Prospects and Challenges".

The conference was to gather information and ideas from members of NOGCAF and shea butter extracting groups to be submitted to Government towards the development of the industry.

It was also to equip participants with knowledge on quality control and business management skills, to identify key constraints and potentials in the processing and marketing of shea products at the local, national and international levels.

Madam Paul said the shea butter industry had assisted a lot of women in the three northern regions to help reduce poverty.

"Government and its development partners should therefore give the industry the needed attention to play its proper role in the socio-economic development of the north," she added.

Madam Stella Nitori, Chairperson of TUSEWA, observed that the shea resource had played a very significant role in the economic development of rural communities in the north.

Alhaji Mustapha Ali Idris, Northern Regional Minister, in an address read on his behalf, expressed Government's determination to reduce poverty at all levels of the economy and urged the women to save with the banks to enable them access loans to expand their economic activities.

He explained that Government instituted the National Youth Employment Programme to help fight poverty therefore, any venture in that direction would be assisted.

Alhaji Idris appealed to the women to collectively help fight indiscriminate bush burning in their communities to protect the shea tree and the industry. 05 Dec. 06

Source: GNA