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Boakye Djan & Rawlings: "Coup Mathematicians"

Tue, 19 Jun 2007 Source: Boateng, Kwame Appiah

AFRC's Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings are "Coup Mathematicians" who must be watched carefully with the proverbial "Kuffuor's Eyes !!!", says a "Political Prophet", "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, an aspiring Presidential Candidate in Ghana's 2008 impending election.
The Politician, who aims at becoming the first Ghanaian-American President of Ghana in 2008 and has left an enduring legacy in America's Political circle, warned [both] Ex-Major Boakye Djan and former Military Strongman, Jerry John Rawlings to desist from making "June 4th - Related Inflamatory Statements" that could undermine the peace and tranquility of the Nation, telling them bluntly " Ghana is not a Battle Ground for your Mutual Antagonism !!!".
The Man who would lead Ghana, Africa in general and the Black Race to build Nuclear Bombs someday, should he become President of the Nation, (in order to achieve a Nuclear -"Peaceful Political Equilibrium", that would enable the Black Race to live in perpetual peace with "Our white brothers and sisters"), described [both] Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings as "Walking Criminals !!!" - (Major Boakye Djan's [own] terminology !!!).
"When will Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings be forwarned of America's avowed determination to stamp out Tyrants and potential "War Mongers" and bring them to International Justice ?", asked the pro-American Democracy Advocate.
"And will these two AFRC extraordinary "Heartless Souls" - the "Blackulas" and "Vampires" of Ghana who terrorized the Nation with bloodshed ever learn about the fate that befell Sadam Hussein and Co ?", asked the Political Prophet.
The Peace activist, who is on record for utilizing his published Press Releases and News Reports on Ghana News Agency (GNA) and, etc to bring Peace to Mother Ghana, by CAUTIONING against His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President, Jerry John Rawlings' once public trade of insults during which they called each other "Evil", pleading with Ghanaians to "continue to forgive" Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings for being the "Architects of the executions of the [beloved] Rear Admiral Amedume, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, Odartey Wellington, Major Roger Felli and other Generals" who were tried in Kangaroo Courts !!!.
The "Royal Politician", whose biological ancestors of the Adonteng Puduo Royal Family courageously led Asante Wars against Colonialism and Imperialism, in their capacity as head of the "Marines" in the Army of the old Asante Kingdom, said that Boakye-Djan, will answer to the unjust execution of Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and Co someday - (in a Peaceful and Non-Violent way), through another "National Reconciliation Commission !!!", assuring EX-Major Boakye Djan that he would be pardoned for Religious reasons based on Ghanaians strong belief in God !!! .
The first Ghanaian born to run for Mayor of Los Angeles also said that former President, Jerry John Rawlings will also answer to the unjust execution of Rear Admiral Amedume, someday - (in a Peaceful and Non-Violent way), through another "National Reconciliation Commission !!!", assuring the former Military Junta Leader, Rawlings that he would be pardoned for Religious reasons based on Ghanaians strong belief in God !!! .
>>> [IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], the Politician, who like the Legendary Albert Einstein failed Math in his youth, yet has developed the Theory of "Peaceful Political Equilibrium-through Nuclear Weapons !!!" - (It should be noted that Albert Einstein failed Math in his youth, yet developed the Theory of Relativity) - made known his "Political Formula" in understanding the "Machiavelli Political Lives" of President Kuffuor and former President Rawlings as follows :
>>> Let "K" denote Kuffuor;
>>> Let "R" denote Rawlings
>>> Let "M" denote Machiavelli.
>>> If K = Machiavelli and R = Machiavelli,
>>> Therefore, K = R
In other words, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President Jerry John Rawlings are the [same] - Disciples of Niccolo Machiavelli !!!".
" Although President John Agyekum Kuffuor is a "better democrat" than former President Jerry John Rawlings, former President Jerry John Rawlings is at least, more "fair-minded" than President John Agyekum Kuffuor !!!, observed the "People's Mayor".
" They are all Fortune Seekers" and accumulation of wealth is more important to them than the Suffering of the Poor and the Struggling Middle Class or the Uncertain Rich!!!", repeated the "Made In America Politician" - fearless as ever, in his Freedom of Expression !!!.
" Before Jerry John Rawlings staged his Military Coup, he looked like the "We Are the World Starving Victim !!!". Today, he looks like a Billionnaire - if not a Multi Billionnaire, and has been able to finance his Political Party all these years !!!", the "People's Mayor" again reminded the Nation.
" And look at Kuffuor, although he was born into a rich family, he has dramatically changed ever since he came to power. Today, he looks like a Tycoon and the same Man who was accompanied to Los Angeles with Mpiani (before he became President) and looked so humble before the crowd, immediately changed his ways as soon as he assumed power and has since behaved as if he is "Intoxicated with Power !!!", said the "People's Mayor" --- (whose "Goodness to Kuffuor" for [helping] to mobilize "Alliance of CPP-NPP Ghanaians", and Americans, especially African-Americans to his (Kuffuor's) Fundraising Dinner when they donated handsomely to his Dinner -- was returned with ungratefulness, and callousness of witch-hunting, political persecutions against him with the full knowledge of the President. !!!.
"Whereas Rawlings will stiffle his Opponents' Freedom of Expression openly with fear and intimidation, (without any hypocrisy), Kuffuor will engage in "Covert Operations" to silence his Political opponents, especially through (government controlled) Radio and (government controlled) Newspapers - and only God knows whether Money changes hands !!!", the Marverick Politician who tells the truth as it is, and nothing but the truth, asked again.
According to the "Political Mathematician", the only difference between Kuffuor and Rawlings is that whereas Rawlings will "Kill you [Physically] in the day time, Kuffuor will kill you [Spiritually] at night time !!!.
The first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of the United States of America - (since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776 - and regarded by many people as a "DEMOCRATIC REBEL WITH A GOOD CAUSE !!!" - who is on record for publicly announcing that he would someday Pardon President John Agyekum Kufuor and former President Jerry John Rawlings for their " Political Sins" against Mother Ghana, again has reminded the Nation that both President Kufuor and former President Rawlings will someday run away from Ghana !!! - based on their [own] antagonistic actions !!!

Signed for Release : The Office of "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, 2008 Presidential aspirant and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

AFRC's Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings are "Coup Mathematicians" who must be watched carefully with the proverbial "Kuffuor's Eyes !!!", says a "Political Prophet", "Osagyefo" Kwame Mayor, an aspiring Presidential Candidate in Ghana's 2008 impending election.
The Politician, who aims at becoming the first Ghanaian-American President of Ghana in 2008 and has left an enduring legacy in America's Political circle, warned [both] Ex-Major Boakye Djan and former Military Strongman, Jerry John Rawlings to desist from making "June 4th - Related Inflamatory Statements" that could undermine the peace and tranquility of the Nation, telling them bluntly " Ghana is not a Battle Ground for your Mutual Antagonism !!!".
The Man who would lead Ghana, Africa in general and the Black Race to build Nuclear Bombs someday, should he become President of the Nation, (in order to achieve a Nuclear -"Peaceful Political Equilibrium", that would enable the Black Race to live in perpetual peace with "Our white brothers and sisters"), described [both] Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings as "Walking Criminals !!!" - (Major Boakye Djan's [own] terminology !!!).
"When will Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings be forwarned of America's avowed determination to stamp out Tyrants and potential "War Mongers" and bring them to International Justice ?", asked the pro-American Democracy Advocate.
"And will these two AFRC extraordinary "Heartless Souls" - the "Blackulas" and "Vampires" of Ghana who terrorized the Nation with bloodshed ever learn about the fate that befell Sadam Hussein and Co ?", asked the Political Prophet.
The Peace activist, who is on record for utilizing his published Press Releases and News Reports on Ghana News Agency (GNA) and, etc to bring Peace to Mother Ghana, by CAUTIONING against His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President, Jerry John Rawlings' once public trade of insults during which they called each other "Evil", pleading with Ghanaians to "continue to forgive" Ex-Major Boakye Djan and Ex-Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings for being the "Architects of the executions of the [beloved] Rear Admiral Amedume, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, Odartey Wellington, Major Roger Felli and other Generals" who were tried in Kangaroo Courts !!!.
The "Royal Politician", whose biological ancestors of the Adonteng Puduo Royal Family courageously led Asante Wars against Colonialism and Imperialism, in their capacity as head of the "Marines" in the Army of the old Asante Kingdom, said that Boakye-Djan, will answer to the unjust execution of Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and Co someday - (in a Peaceful and Non-Violent way), through another "National Reconciliation Commission !!!", assuring EX-Major Boakye Djan that he would be pardoned for Religious reasons based on Ghanaians strong belief in God !!! .
The first Ghanaian born to run for Mayor of Los Angeles also said that former President, Jerry John Rawlings will also answer to the unjust execution of Rear Admiral Amedume, someday - (in a Peaceful and Non-Violent way), through another "National Reconciliation Commission !!!", assuring the former Military Junta Leader, Rawlings that he would be pardoned for Religious reasons based on Ghanaians strong belief in God !!! .
>>> [IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT], the Politician, who like the Legendary Albert Einstein failed Math in his youth, yet has developed the Theory of "Peaceful Political Equilibrium-through Nuclear Weapons !!!" - (It should be noted that Albert Einstein failed Math in his youth, yet developed the Theory of Relativity) - made known his "Political Formula" in understanding the "Machiavelli Political Lives" of President Kuffuor and former President Rawlings as follows :
>>> Let "K" denote Kuffuor;
>>> Let "R" denote Rawlings
>>> Let "M" denote Machiavelli.
>>> If K = Machiavelli and R = Machiavelli,
>>> Therefore, K = R
In other words, President John Agyekum Kuffuor and former President Jerry John Rawlings are the [same] - Disciples of Niccolo Machiavelli !!!".
" Although President John Agyekum Kuffuor is a "better democrat" than former President Jerry John Rawlings, former President Jerry John Rawlings is at least, more "fair-minded" than President John Agyekum Kuffuor !!!, observed the "People's Mayor".
" They are all Fortune Seekers" and accumulation of wealth is more important to them than the Suffering of the Poor and the Struggling Middle Class or the Uncertain Rich!!!", repeated the "Made In America Politician" - fearless as ever, in his Freedom of Expression !!!.
" Before Jerry John Rawlings staged his Military Coup, he looked like the "We Are the World Starving Victim !!!". Today, he looks like a Billionnaire - if not a Multi Billionnaire, and has been able to finance his Political Party all these years !!!", the "People's Mayor" again reminded the Nation.
" And look at Kuffuor, although he was born into a rich family, he has dramatically changed ever since he came to power. Today, he looks like a Tycoon and the same Man who was accompanied to Los Angeles with Mpiani (before he became President) and looked so humble before the crowd, immediately changed his ways as soon as he assumed power and has since behaved as if he is "Intoxicated with Power !!!", said the "People's Mayor" --- (whose "Goodness to Kuffuor" for [helping] to mobilize "Alliance of CPP-NPP Ghanaians", and Americans, especially African-Americans to his (Kuffuor's) Fundraising Dinner when they donated handsomely to his Dinner -- was returned with ungratefulness, and callousness of witch-hunting, political persecutions against him with the full knowledge of the President. !!!.
"Whereas Rawlings will stiffle his Opponents' Freedom of Expression openly with fear and intimidation, (without any hypocrisy), Kuffuor will engage in "Covert Operations" to silence his Political opponents, especially through (government controlled) Radio and (government controlled) Newspapers - and only God knows whether Money changes hands !!!", the Marverick Politician who tells the truth as it is, and nothing but the truth, asked again.
According to the "Political Mathematician", the only difference between Kuffuor and Rawlings is that whereas Rawlings will "Kill you [Physically] in the day time, Kuffuor will kill you [Spiritually] at night time !!!.
The first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of the United States of America - (since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776 - and regarded by many people as a "DEMOCRATIC REBEL WITH A GOOD CAUSE !!!" - who is on record for publicly announcing that he would someday Pardon President John Agyekum Kufuor and former President Jerry John Rawlings for their " Political Sins" against Mother Ghana, again has reminded the Nation that both President Kufuor and former President Rawlings will someday run away from Ghana !!! - based on their [own] antagonistic actions !!!

Signed for Release : The Office of "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, 2008 Presidential aspirant and former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Source: Boateng, Kwame Appiah