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Aqua Vitens Days Are Numbered

Fri, 22 May 2009 Source: daily democrat


The continuous retention of Aqua Vitens Rand Ltd (AVRL) as the operators of water supply in Ghana is nothing but a time bomb that will explode soon if nothing is done to quell an imminent implosion that has very serious implications for the nation. Workers of Ghana Water Company Ltd (GWCL) are calling for the immediate repatriation of AVRL from the country following their failure to bring about any change to the organization charged with the supply of potable water for the people. At a special workers forum at the GWCL Headquarters in Accra, the angry workers threatened to take their call for the abrogation of the ‘useless’ management contract with AVRL to another level, if the government fails to yield to their appeal. According to them, all that AVRL has succeeded in doing is the allocation of fat salaries to their staff and cronies, together with outrageous benefits, whilst water supply in the country continues to deteriorate. Conditions of work of staff are getting worse but the management of AVRL live in luxury.

“Due to the re-organization, it was agreed that all workers salary should be reviewed generally by 20%. But they failed to fulfill this obligation; some have as low as 0.1% increase and others had more than 150%,” they said, asking for an explanation for the inconsistency.

They questioned the rationale behind the hiring and purchase of luxurious vehicles for managers at a time workers struggle to get vehicles to attend to serious problems on the field.

In a petition by some seconded staff to the management of GWCL, the workers drew attention to the hardship, exploitations and disrespect they are facing as a result of the secondment of their services to AVRL and failure of the latter to conduct interviews and grant promotion to qualified workers, some of whom have worked for over twenty (20) years.

They recounted the distribution of Christmas cards by the Managing Director of AVRL, Mr. Andrew Barber recently, on which he indicated that the company was a non-profit making organization; therefore they demanded their bonus following an announcement by the General Manager-Communications that they had made some profit. Sounding very angry and sad, the workers remarked that since AVRL started operations in the country, staffs have been misplaced, displaced and demoted; however they (AVRL) have shared big positions to their cronies.

“They have changed Production, Fault Office and Leakage Survey Units to the disadvantage of the work and workers. In effect and in accordance with Art. 2.15 subsection d, we are demanding compensation,” the petition stated. They contended that a large number of Ghanaians are denied water because AVRL has abandoned head works and treatment facilities in the country.

Many workers are going about their duties under very dangerous conditions; some of them live in mosquito-infested rooms whilst others come under attacks from deadly reptiles like snakes on a daily basis at isolated locations.

“We believe strongly that the MD of AVRL, Mr. Andrew Barber, has taken us for granted and has a lot hidden in his head about our plight as workers, as well as the large number of Ghanaians deprived of potable water,” they indicated. “We are therefore calling for his head. And, within a few days, if this petition is not addressed satisfactorily,” they threatened, “we hope not to be blamed for the consequences.” Stay tuned for more.

Source: daily democrat