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Vodafone, CWU reach amicable deal

Thu, 15 Oct 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct. 15, GNA - The management of Vodafone Ghana and the Communications Workers Union (CWU) have finally reached a deal that would= end the standoff between the two parties.

A copy of a joint communiqu=E9 of the Standing Joint Negotiation Committee (SJNC) made available to the Ghana News Agency by reliable sour= ces indicates that the two parties, at a meeting on October 6, 2009, amicably= reached the deal after previous interventions of government and the Natio= nal Labour Commission (NLC) had failed to yield any solution.

"This joint communiqu=E9 represents the final resolution of all issue= s relating to the redundancy exercise communicated to all employees on July=

31, 2009," said the communiqu=E9 signed by Mr Randell Hato, Chairman of t= he Standing Negotiation Committee and Mr J. T. Lartey, General Secretary, CW= U. All affected persons would officially and formally exit the company on December 11, 2009, and all payments due to such employees shall be effect= ed on that day upon presentation of their employee ID cards to the finance office. All affected employees whose roles are already redundant shall be advised by their line managers to stay off work. "Such employees shall, however, be entitled to their full monthly salaries until the exit date." The communiqu=E9 stated that Vodafone management and the CWU agree t= hat in addition to the severance package of three months' basic salary, times=

the number of years of service since November 1, 1974, "all employees affected by the redundancy exercise will receive free medical care at any= of the company's panel hospitals until March 31, 2010". The facility was, however, limited to only employees and not to thei= r spouses and children.

They also agreed that affected employees' phone numbers, which begin with 020200XXXX should be replaced with numbers that begin with 020300XXXX and be given GH¢10 worth of Vodafone credit every month till March 31, 2010.

"All employees affected by the redundancy exercise will be paid an amount equivalent to one month salary as repatriation allowance to assist= them to relocate to their hometowns," the communiqu=E9 said The source explained to the GNA that the rationale for the repatriat= ion allowance stemmed from the argument that since Vodafone transferred some workers from their hometowns to various stations around the country, the company must give them extra money to travel back to their hometowns. The parties also agreed that those who had outstanding leave as per the company's records would be paid in lieu of leave. However, payment for outstanding leave shall not exceed 56 working days, representing a maximu= m of two years' accumulated leave. They also agreed to extend the re-opened voluntary redundancy window= to employees on salary levels 6-12 until the end of November, 2009. "Management shall, however, have the option to accept or decline applications," the communiqu=E9 said. The source who spoke with the GNA said the extra benefits in the dea= l will only reach those going on compulsory redundancy but those who opted for the voluntary exit would have to stick with the original package of three=

months' salary for every year of service since 1974. 15 Oct. 09

Source: GNA