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PNC Celebrates Satellites

Sat, 17 Oct 2009 Source: --

Today the nation stands and celebrates with the youth of Ghana who have yet again demonstrated their strength, perseverance and courage. The PNC wishes to congratulate the Satellites on their exemplary display of tenacity before a world inspired by their determination.

Ghana and Africa have arrived at the apex of the football world after a long road, and it has been well deserved. Together the people of Ghana rejoice as one as we come together as one nation. In this journey, we embraced the support of our entire continent as the Satellites roared to this sweet victory on behalf of Ghana and our brothers and sisters on the continent. With this victory the continent of Africa is unified in spirit as we take the first step towards the realization of an African victory in the FIFA World Cup to be staged yet again on African soil in South Africa 2010.

We take inspiration that this momentous victory will encourage the senior national team the Black Stars to greater heights during the African Cup of Nations in Angola 2010. As we look forward with even greater hopes to annexing the covetous trophy in South Africa 2010. Once again our nation has stepped forward just as our struggle for independence set the stage for a new era of hope and inspiration.

Today, women, children, men and all their families took to the streets to celebrate our success. The PNC celebrates with you and will be in the crowds as we welcome our heroes back to our motherland. Bernard Mornah (General Secretary)

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