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Pratt attacks JJ Again

Sat, 15 May 2010 Source: Daily Post

…with contradictions, half-truths & double standards

A political desk monitoring report

Interesting times indeed! Mr. Kwesi Pratt Jnr, the man who claims to be an advocate of free speech and artistic expression has once again attacked Former President Rawlings. He wants the former President to keep quiet, a stand that smacks of crass hypocrisy and double-standards! An article written by him in his newspaper, The Insight on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 using the usual pseudonym, Ebow Duncan, makes interesting reading in this regard.

This is a man who has the proclivity of spewing half-truths in his column – Thoughts of A Mysterious Man with Ebow Duncan. He must certainly be living in self-delusion thinking that he is all-knowing on every subject under the sun. It is amazing how Mr Pratt would want to remove the ‘mote’ in other people’s eyes but unfortunately fails to see the ‘beam’ in his own eyes. Mr Kwesi Pratt Jnr always erroneously or otherwise, projects himself as a human rights activist, when, in fact, his record proves the contrary. It is rather unfortunate that these so-called human rights activists are the most inhumane in our society. We know of one such activist who graciously and generously discharged from his bowels (defecated) into his chamber pot and forced his maid to carry it on her head and later empty it amidst vehement protestations! What can be more inhumane than this!? Kwesi is such a man who refuses to pay his workers, claiming that he has no money, when indeed, he wallows in money. The way and manner he maltreats his workers is unimaginable. When benevolent and philanthropic individuals give out money meant for his reporters, what does he do with these monies? Do these monies end in the pockets of the reporters? It is an irony that Kwesi Pratt will be talking about human rights and be holding others guilty. Does he know that paying employees borders on human rights? If he is highly convinced with evidence that Rawlings is personally liable for any one human rights abuse or the other, what is he waiting for in approaching the relevant state bodies to handle Rawlings? We have said time and time again that indeed some brutalities occurred during the Rawlings regime and those who claim they have been wronged should go to the appropriate quarters to seek redress using due process. In saying so we are conscious of the fact that we have a nation to build in peace and tranquility. So we only say let us move on.

It is however pathetic that those who also have worse forms of human rights abuses in their closet should be making those demands and be castigating others. Mr Pratt claims that “In only three to four years of his (Rawlings) administration as many as 246 people disappeared. These were mainly his political opponents and troublesome soldiers who may have appeared as threats to his aristocracy.” How Kwesi came by this figure is a subject of debate. Some of us vividly recalled how he as used by the same “aristocracy” at the detriment of his close friends. Mr Pratt’s article also states that former President Rawlings has called Kufuor “a thief…a liar.” He forgot so soon that Rawlings in a chorus situation with the crowd that took part in the Committee For Joint Action demonstration he organized sang with the former president, “ Kufuor nie… Atta Ayi nie.” Did Mr Pratt say anything then to condemn the development? He only maintained a loud silence, signaling he appreciated every bit that took place during the demonstration. At times, when people are making their points, they forget to do the proper self-introspection. What they only end up doing is to present half-truths highly contrived with bias, conjecture and pure malice which have the tendency to misinform a holistically sound public discourse on national issues.

Democratic Credentials Mr Pratt always touts his democratic credentials as if he is the beacon of hope for Ghanaians but finds it very difficult to accept dissenting views. Here him, “Please Mr Rawlings, you owe it to the people of Ghana to end our trauma by ending your provocative noises.”! Mr Pratt is suggesting here that Mr Rawlings should not express his views and opinions on any matter he feels uncomfortable with. Does Mr Pratt think it is only he who has the constitutional right to express his sentiments on any matter in this country? Sometimes, in an attempt to please his paymasters, Mr Pratt forgets that some of us know him vividly well. What is wrong with Mr Rawlings coming out to state the truth that he had not been reconciled with Mr Kufuor as suggested by a section of the media? Mr Pratt claims Mr Rawlings insulted Mr Kufuor by calling him “thief” and a “liar”. This is a man who always refers to Mr Kufuor as a “fool,” “aponchi” (goat) any time he appears on television or hears his voice on radio. What can be more insulting than what Mr Pratt is doing to Mr Kufuor? Education Mr Pratt claims that Mr Rawlings has “very little education… and a tiny man”! Oh! Look at the pot calling the kettle black! What is the highest qualification of Mr Pratt? Is it not a disappointing 3rd class in economics from the University of Ghana? Has Kwesi forgotten that human beings cannot be static in this world? Everybody undergoes some form of development or the other. Unless he has such a hatred and mischievous inclination to always work for his paymasters, he may be living in a fool’s paradise that Rawlings must be as tiny as he was some decades ago. Mr Pratt is reported to be a man who does not want those under him to move a step forward in anything. He is very envious and therefore does not want to see anybody climb the academic ladder. What has been Mr Pratt’s achievement in life? Can Mr Pratt compare his achievements to those of Mr Rawlings?

Indeed, this is a man who always exploits people’s genuine problems for his selfish gains! Yes, this is how he is and we intend to expose him the more in subsequent editions of this paper. We will proceed to delve into a brief history about how this traitor was used by so many groups of individuals and how he betrayed his “closest friends” some of who were killed, for a mesh of potage.

What we on the Daily Post have said is that Mr Pratt should first of all remove the log from his eyes before he attempts to remove the speck from that of others. Simply put, he who calls for equity must come with clean hands. We have nothing against Kwesi Pratt and we respect his right to speak his mind freely but that does not give him the freedom to unnecessarily attack the integrity of people who have suffered for this country with half-truths, hypocrisy and double standards. It seems our warning has not been taken seriously: We shall return Pratt fire for fire any time he attacks Rawlings. Stay tuned!

Source: Daily Post