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Vodafone to focus on customer service

Thu, 20 May 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, May 20, GNA - Vodafone Ghana has said customers would remain focus on its operations as the company rolled out new technologies to boost communications and internet usage. Mr David Venn, Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone Ghana, said the company had in the past year invested in infrastructure and people to infuse greater efficiency to enhance quality of its operations. As at December 2009, management of Vodafone had made a total capital investment of over 302 million dollars in telecommunication systems to enhance services that it rendered to customers. Mr. Venn was speaking at a reception organised for its customers as part of its one year anniversary, in Accra.

He said subscriber base had increased in the last 12 months, making the company the fastest growing network in the country. "While there is much more to do and I assure you more is planned, already customers can experience improving quality and more and more innovative services. We would constantly improve and innovate," Mr Venn said. He said that management during the period had provided enviable customer service and product propositions that would give customers experience. Mr Venn said Vodafone Ghana would soon introduce modern fixed lines to facilitate broadband network services to enhance customers' use of the internet.

He said access to internet would accelerate government's e-governance project and make a difference on how business was done to improve efficiency.

Mr Venn said the management would launch a World of Difference (WoD), an innovative charitable volunteering initiative, which would enable skilled individuals from different organisations to identify and execute a project in any community with resources from Vodafone. WoD would create the opportunity for individuals to work for one year for a charitable partner organisation, with salary and related support provided. Initially, management of Vodafone Ghana would start with 20 people. 20 May 10

Source: GNA