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Prudential Bank opens Adentan Branch

Wed, 2 Jun 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, June 2, GNA - The management of Prudential Bank Limited (PBL) , on Wednesday opened its 27th branch at Adentan in Accra with an appeal to

customers to access its superior banking services by saving with the bank .. Opening the branch, Mrs Mary Brown, Deputy Managing Director (Bankin g Operations), said management had in the past 14 years created a niche for

itself through excellent performance in the provision of banking services to the business community and retail customers irrespective of status. She said the Adentan branch was opened to draw closer to customers i n the area, saying the bank was making giant strides in promoting the count ry's socio-economic development through the provision of superior banking services.

Mrs Brown said the bank provided banking services to all sectors of the economy with special focus on micro, small and medium scale enterprises, fishing and cold store businesses, manufacturing, agriculture, export consumer loans, general commercial activities and project financing. She mentioned Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and SMS banking servi ces that enabled customers to obtain services such as account balance enquiry

and transfer, information on salary reports on successful and unsuccessfu l execution of standing orders, mini statement generation and accessing ful l statement on mobile phones. Other services of the bank provides are fund management, call accoun ts in local and foreign currencies and free cash collection services. Mrs Brown said international services of the bank included on-site a nd deferred payment, import letters of credit facilities, handling of import

and export bills for collection, export letters of credit, sales and purchase of foreign exchange, foreign transfers and cheque collections. The PBL started its operations in Ghana 14 years ago and has 25 networked branches.

Source: GNA