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Ghana Is In A State Of Leadership Paralysis, Says Akufo-Addo

Wed, 8 Feb 2012 Source: --

“This era of leadership paralysis must not exist a minute longer than the four years the people and the Constitution granted the NDC, in all innocence, in 2008. We need change now to move Ghana forward.

We cannot waste four more years under this government of lies, propaganda, hypocrisy, incompetence, corruption and economic hardships. The people want jobs; not juju politics that create 1.6 million phantom jobs and turn sheep into cows, sod cuttings into Action Year and judgment debts into gargantuan crimes.”

These were the words of the 2012 flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, when he interacted with the Ghanaian community at a townhall meeting held in Texas on Saturday, February 4 2012.

Giving further meaning to his statement, Nana Addo explained that in spite of all the opportunities that have been presented to Ghana today, the biggest crisis facing Ghana today is leadership paralysis being presided over by the Mills-Mahama led National Democratic Congress administration.

“Like the proverbial Yutong Bus from China that is used to depict our national journey now, the people ask: who is the driver? Who is in charge? Where are we heading? Why are we going so slow? What accounts for the recklessness? Why so many u-turns -- the indecisiveness?” Nana Addo asked.

According to the NPP flabrearer, Ghana is missing clear opportunities “to overtake and respond to pleas from the masses to stop and get more people on board”.

Nana Addo further stated that the NDC government headed by President John Evans Atta-Mills has had much more resources than any other government in the past.

These resources, according to Nana Addo, were in the form of higher taxes, higher duties, record earnings from gold and cocoa, billions of dollars of loans, leading to a doubling of our total debt portfolio in just 3 years.

“The question on the lips of Ghanaians is this: na sika no wo he ne? Where is the money? What have they done with it? Who is benefiting from it? Who has it been giving to? Who is enjoying? Where did all the money go?” Nana Addo asked.

Nana Addo continued, “The NDC is not working. Mills is not working. Mills and Mahama have not worked and will not work. Let us all say together to the current custodians of power that the days of empty rhetoric are over. No more lip action. Enough is enough!” to a rapturous applause from the audience.

The NPP flagbearer maintained that what is required by Ghana, a country blessed with a vast amount of natural resources, is competent leadership that can offer solutions and results with urgency and sagacity.

Nana Addo added that Ghana needs a government dedicated to serving the people and not swerving the people and stated that an Akufo-Addo administration will get Ghana working.

“We have the people – Ghanaian people, we have the competence, we have the conviction and we have the programme to move Ghana forward. And, with God’s eternal guidance, we shall succeed in getting Ghana to succeed,” Nana Addo said.

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