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Ob….ama Wins, Mah….ama Next

Sat, 10 Nov 2012 Source: Jackson, Margaret

By Margaret Jackson

Unbeknown to many Ghanaians the NPP looting brigade stuffed their wine cellars with thousands of champagne bottles. The sponsor: Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, NPPs Presidential Candidate in the December 7 election. The occasion: to pop it and celebrate big time if Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential Candidate, had won the US Presidential election on Tuesday November 6.

For those who don’t know the umbilical cord between the NPP and the US Republican Party or the GOP (Grand Old Party), I will like to tie the dots. First off, the NPP and the GOP have the same political ideology and the same party symbol, the destructive elephant. Some believe that even though the caustic elephant is slow in walking it shows a lot of pomposity, unbridled pride and swagger which portrays the traits of the NPP and the GOP members in everything they say, think or do.

The NPP and the GOP also have the same party colors of red, white and blue and strongly believe in the top-down economic policy whereby the rich are given all the perks and allowed to become richer with the hope that some of the goodies would eventually fall from heaven onto the lap of the poor and the middle class.

And with the GOP and the NPP losing the last presidential elections in 2008, hopes were higher among the NPP folks that if the GOP had won on Tuesday presidential election in the United States there would have been a tail-coat event in Ghana with the NPP also winning in December 7. That was the reason why the wine cellars of the NPP were filled to the brink with all sorts of imported champagne.

But as fate will have it, the dreams of the NPP crew came crashing to the ground with Barak Obama whipping the butt of Mitt Romney by winning all seven battleground states of Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. Even though the Florida results have not been called yet, Obama again is leading Romney by a whopping 46,000 votes with 97% of the precincts reporting.

On Wednesday morning Ghanaians woke up with a dead tone silence from the NPP crew who had lined up series of activities involving Radio and TV interviews to beat up the air if Romney had gotten the nod from the US voters. What I am hearing from the NPP quarters is a party that has been thrown into a state of panic and fear because Obama’s re-election really echoes something to the Ghanaian voters.

Since 1992 when Ghana returned to multi-party democracy, every victory to the National Democratic Party in the US has also resulted into victory to the NDC with the same going for the GOP and the NPP. If what happened on Tuesday in the US is any indication, then obviously President John Mahama is slated to win comfortably in the December 7 election, hence the panic in the NPP camp.

President Obama just like the late President Mills inherited a sinking economy riddled with higher unemployment, higher inflation, collapsed housing market laced with bad economic policies. That was then, but through prudent economic policies, both Ghana and the US have been able to turn the economic tide by adopting measures to grow the economy with issues confronting the middle class on top of the agenda.

But the Republicans and the NPP who first got the US and Ghana to those economic holes will not have any of it as they have turned into apostles of doom with Romney and Akufo-Addo painting gloomy economic situations if they were not elected. But as fate will have it Romney has gone down, with Akufo-Addo slated to go down next.

Voters are now wide awake. Gone were the days when just rhetoric carried the day. Voters are looking at people who genuinely feel their pain, know their concerns and are problems solvers. They don’t longer buy mere talk. That is why Akufo-Addo’s supposed dreamland is still not flying with voters. What God has ordained no man can change it!

Columnist: Jackson, Margaret