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Airtel Ghana responds to local contractors

Airtel Ghana Logo

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 Source: Joy Online

Airtel Ghana, in response to an article in the media that it has abrogated contracts with some local Value Added Services (VAS) providers, explained that it abides by all the terms and conditions of contracts that it signs with all its partners. We are mindful of our obligations to stakeholders and business partners.

Managing Director of Airtel Ghana, Philip Sowah, explains in a release that “We periodically re-evaluate our relationship with VAS partners both local and international with the aim of giving our customers the best products available globally.

According to Mr. Sowah, before Airtel agrees to use a VAS service they make sure that it is compatible with their systems, easy to understand and use by customers and are commercially viable.

“These are business decisions that have nothing to do with the origin of a vendor and will always evolve. To leverage economies of scale and service consistency, across our African operations, we sometimes enter into collaborative agreements with partners to provide services in groups of countries that we operate in”, Mr. Sowah said.

He also added that “we always keep in mind the integrity of the Airtel brand and our customers in our processes”.

Source: Joy Online