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PURC to meet on utility tariff review today

Meter Utility

Tue, 4 Jun 2013 Source: radioxyzonline

Consumers must brace themselves for a possible increase in utility tariffs as the Public Utility Regulatory Commission begins its review meetings today.

The meeting comes on the heels of scathing criticisms against the PURC for rejecting proposals for tariff adjustments.

The utility companies are pushing for tariff adjustments to meet operational costs and improve their financials.

Ahead of the meeting, Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Energy, Dr. Kwabena Donkor, has told XYZ Business the state must not continue subsidizing tariffs to collapse the utility companies.

But the Executive Director of the Centre for Freedom and Advocacy, Andrew Awuni, is kicking against any increase in tariffs.

According to him, increasing utility tariffs whenever the nation runs short of revenue to develop the country will not solve the problem.

He added that the auditor general must be competent enough and clear ghost names on the country’s salaries and pensions bill, which he said would save the nation millions of cedis and prevent the utility companies from increasing tariffs.

Source: radioxyzonline