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The Most Depressing Time For NPP

Mon, 2 Sep 2013 Source: Jackson, Margaret

By Margaret Jackson

August 31, 2013

Are you a member of the NPP fraternity? Did you bank your hopes on the bogus petition case that was relentlessly pursued by the At-All-Cost President who was not meant to be? Do you currently feel dejected, calamitous, vexed, wretched, deflated, down, angry, let-down, saddened or desolate?

Don’t worry; I understand what you are currently going through. It’s not funny at all. And these are not good times for losers. And I bet you this may be the most depressing time for you if you are a member of the NPP fraternity. Political losers gain nothing because there are no trophies for those who place second in political contests.

Na who cause am? Who is or who are the cause of the current pains that the NPP is going through? Who led the NPP supporters astray? Who told them something that did not reflect the facts and reality on the ground? Who gave them the false hope and good feeling attitude? Now to be more forceful, who lied to the NPP supporters, and therefore, made them go cold and sleep early on Thursday August 29, 2013?

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the twice defeated presidential candidate and the semi-retired politician of the NPP family, did not keep a clean faith with the NPP supporters. He was the one who kept the NPP supporters in the dark concerning the Supreme Court (SC) petition case even when he knew in his heart that the case will never fly in the eyes of the Justices.

If you talk about the depression which has engulfed the NPP camp today, you will be acclaimed a saint if you mention Nana Akufo-Addo. He is the single fall guy who forced the NPP to be followers of his misadventure, and falsely led them into believing that all was well and that he was going to win the case.

Even in defeat, Akufo-Addo was still not magnanimous: the usual arrogant posture which turns many Ghanaians away from him was still very much in play. In his so-called “victory speech” which turned out to be his concession speech, Akufo-Addo pointedly stated that he was disappointed with the ruling of the SC but will accept it nonetheless. How can you be disappointed with a verdict and yet go with it?

Eight months ago when Akufo-Addo stated that he was not happy with the declared presidential results by the Electoral Commission what did he do? He went to the SC. Now how come he is still arrogantly claiming that he is disappointed with the ruling by the SC but throwing up the towel this time round?

Throughout his political career, Akufo-Addo has proven to be someone who can never be trusted. His words always bounces on the wall and promptly comes back to cause havoc.

With the pink sheet petition case now over, the NDC will now enjoy some peace from the NPP folks who have only one good motto. If the NPP does not initiate something, it smack fishy. If it is not coming from the NPP, just forget it. If the NPP did not accomplish it, it is definitely not good enough. If the NPP is broke, it means the whole country is broke.

The NPP fraternity is in a state of depression. And it would not take just a day or a week to get things to normal situations in the NPP camp. But NPP folks should learn one thing. In life you should never attempt to take what does not belong to you by force! You may lose face before the king or the law court. And that is the disgrace Akufo-Addo has brought unto himself and the NPP family.

Indeed, this is the most depressing time for the NPP and it does not make them look too good. Now people will see them as the “real stealers” who attempted to steal from where they did not sow. In case you did not follow how the Justices voted, I want to re-echo what they wrote.

The Justices who even agreed to the nullification of votes in areas where the presiding officers did not sign the pink sheets, over voting and voting without biometric verification, stated categorically in their rulings that there should be a re-run of elections in those areas. They did not say that those votes should be thrown away to declare Akufo-Addo President. That is the something that the depressed NPP fraternity should keep thinking and talking over till the next Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in 2016.

Columnist: Jackson, Margaret