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Mixed reaction to increment in transport fare

Fuel Driver New New Taxi

Tue, 15 Jul 2014 Source: GNA

An increase in the price of fuel and transport fares has degenerated into confusion among transport operators and passengers on the new charges.

The drivers are refusing to charge the 15 per cent as agreed to by Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council and charging their own fares.

Mr Owusu Ansah, a Public Servant told Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview in Accra on Monday that Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) should call their members to order.

Mr Ansah called for immediate action to restore sanity in the transport sector as “transport operators want to take advantage of passengers”.

Mr Nelson Tseh, Vice Chairman of Tudu Aflao GPRTU Station, told GNA that drivers and their mates have been instructed to comply with the new fare as proposed by GRTCC.

Mr Adu Amoah a driver at the Tema lorry station said he was not expecting any reaction from the passengers because the increase in fares is imminent, when the price of fuel goes up.

Mr Paul Osei, also a driver at Tudu Station says there is no astronomical increment of fares, adding: “We have just increased fares by 15 per cent”.

Madam Anita Seibu a passenger said she was not surprised about the increase of transport fees because of the previous announcement of fuel shortage.

According to the latest National Petroleum Authority figures, the price of petrol (premium) saw the highest increase, up 23.08 per cent. A litre of the commodity, which used to sell at GH¢ 2.73 per litre is now selling at GH¢ 3.36 a litre.

Kerosene witnessed an increase of 23.75 per cent and diesel 22.01 per cent. Premix fuel increased by 25.60 per cent to GH¢ 1.57 per litre. Liquefied petroleum gas, which was up by 15.68 per cent, selling now at GH¢3.32 per litre.

Meanwhile GPRTU, Greater Accra Regional Secretariat has warned that any commercial driver who charges more than the 15 per cent vehicle fare as announced would be suspended for three months.

Mr Edmund Amartefio, GPRTU Senior Industrial Relations Officer (IRO) told Ghana News Agency in an interview that all commercial drivers through their branch unions have been served with the new fare; “but anyone who attempts to take advantage and exploit passengers will be dealt with.

“We have warned drivers not to charge beyond the specified amount as failure to do so will result in a three months suspension for such drivers as stipulated in the constitution of GPRTU,” Mr Amartefio said.

He said GPRTU branches across the country have been advised to strictly adhere to the 15 per cent announced by GRTCC.

Mr Amartefio also called on passengers to be vigilant and report any driver or mate who attempts to charge beyond the approved fares to GPRTU branch officers.

“We urge passengers to take the number of any driver who goes contrary to the directive, by taking their registration numbers, the route they are plying and report to GPRTU authorities for the necessary measures to be taken against them,” he said.

Source: GNA