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Ghana Standards Authority re-affirms mandate

GSA Office

Tue, 4 Nov 2014 Source: GNA

The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) has re-affirm its commitment to ensure that Ghanaians are protected from consuming fake or sub-standard products whether manufactured locally or imported.

The Authority explained that this would be done with the highest level of commitment so that Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians living in the country could be protected from any form of danger.

Mr Eugene Adakwa-Addae, Director of Inspection at GSA said this at the weekend at a news conference in Accra on the significance of inspection and testing.

He said the Inspectorate Division of GSA carried inspection activities to ascertain that all products, whether locally manufactured or imported were of acceptable quality and for the fake ones to be prevented from being displayed in the markets.

Mr Adakwa-Addae said inspection activities were carried out in the Regulatory and Voluntary areas of product inspection, destination inspection on high risk goods, fish inspection, market surveillance on certified products placed on the market and inspection of goods for export certification.

He emphasised that inspection activities were necessary because it ensured safety, good health and the protection of the environment.

Mr Charles Amoako, Director of Testing, GSA explained that testing involved the laboratory investigation as to whether a product or process fulfilled or met specific requirements as outlined in the relevant standard.

He said a test involved the measurement of dimensions, chemical composition, micro-biological purity and the strength of materials to ascertain quality and safety.

“Testing also covers the assessment of electrical safety, freedom from physical flaws such as cracks and defects that may cause failure,” he added.

Mr Amoako said testing was undertaken to support product certification programme, ensure that products met requirements of the standard, supported regulatory activities and gave assurance of the safety of products and protection of the consumer.

He said four laboratories in the testing division had been accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, the standard for general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

They include Microbiology, pesticide Residues laboratories, Histamine and Micotoxins and Metallic contaminants.

Source: GNA