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"Law of Karma" Affecting NDC -DPP

Tue, 4 Mar 2003 Source: Network Herald

Democratic Peoples Party (DPP) leader Thomas Nuaku Ward-Brew has predicted very dire times for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the period leading to the elections of 2004 and even beyond the elections.

Mr. Ward-Brew who was “ditched” from his position and roles in the pro NDC EGLE Party, under bizarre circumstances, just before Election 2000 thinks the party has no future.

According to him, “the worst is yet to happen to the NDC” and submitted that the NDC is currently in tatters only awaiting further ruins. He none-the less had a salvaging theory for the party; it should be completely dismantled, restructured and repackaged to meet the aspirations of the electorate. Going spiritual but exhibiting signs of bitterness from past treatment, Mr. Ward-Brew told the Network Herald that the Law of Karma must be having a toll on the NDC whose leadership tried unfairly to strangle the junior partners in the Progressive Alliance i.e.DPP and Egle. He also accused them of isolating the founder of the Party, Flt lt. J.J. Rawlings from core Party activities for very selfish motives.

He recalled that the real challenge confronting the former ruling party is the might of the many power blocks within their ranks who continue to exert influences that the people they are leading are not ready to accept. Now in opposition, party loyalists continue to see most of these “godfathers” as persons who only want to maintain the status quo while they look elsewhere when it comes to the issue of funds to run the party with.

“It is rather unfortunate that none of these so called opinion leaders in the NDC has gathered the moral courage over the eight years when the party ruled Ghana to conduct a complete evaluation of the weaknesses and strengths of the party and also conduct a scientific post-mortem on why it lost the 2000 elections.”

“ These power blocs have rather opened the Party up to opportunists who pay eye service because they have divided loyalty that can only lead the NDC to its demise.” Mr. Ward-Brew described Ex-president Jerry Rawlings as an ‘intrinsic factor in both national and local politics that cannot be wished away like that.”

He said now that Mr. Rawlings, who served as the sole unifying factor of the NDC is brazenly challenged by some in the party’s leadership especially those who hid behind his charisma when it was expedient to the extent of possible marginalisation, a secrete conspiracy to prevent the Party from coming back to power again has been hatched.

The DPP leader advised the current crop of NDC leaders in executive positions especially the former Ministers of State to retire from Politics and rather prepare the stage for the next generation of Politicians which includes Prof. Atta Mills the flagbearer of the party to help coin a new image for the party to endear it to the public.

He also advised the former President to distance himself from any kind of mudslinging as is being witnessed in the body politic in the country at the moment and rather contribute to nation building as an Elder Statesman. He thinks the former president has done so much for both the Country and the NDC and must therefore be preserved and not be reduced to an ordinary person” who is kicked about”.

Democratic Peoples Party (DPP) leader Thomas Nuaku Ward-Brew has predicted very dire times for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the period leading to the elections of 2004 and even beyond the elections.

Mr. Ward-Brew who was “ditched” from his position and roles in the pro NDC EGLE Party, under bizarre circumstances, just before Election 2000 thinks the party has no future.

According to him, “the worst is yet to happen to the NDC” and submitted that the NDC is currently in tatters only awaiting further ruins. He none-the less had a salvaging theory for the party; it should be completely dismantled, restructured and repackaged to meet the aspirations of the electorate. Going spiritual but exhibiting signs of bitterness from past treatment, Mr. Ward-Brew told the Network Herald that the Law of Karma must be having a toll on the NDC whose leadership tried unfairly to strangle the junior partners in the Progressive Alliance i.e.DPP and Egle. He also accused them of isolating the founder of the Party, Flt lt. J.J. Rawlings from core Party activities for very selfish motives.

He recalled that the real challenge confronting the former ruling party is the might of the many power blocks within their ranks who continue to exert influences that the people they are leading are not ready to accept. Now in opposition, party loyalists continue to see most of these “godfathers” as persons who only want to maintain the status quo while they look elsewhere when it comes to the issue of funds to run the party with.

“It is rather unfortunate that none of these so called opinion leaders in the NDC has gathered the moral courage over the eight years when the party ruled Ghana to conduct a complete evaluation of the weaknesses and strengths of the party and also conduct a scientific post-mortem on why it lost the 2000 elections.”

“ These power blocs have rather opened the Party up to opportunists who pay eye service because they have divided loyalty that can only lead the NDC to its demise.” Mr. Ward-Brew described Ex-president Jerry Rawlings as an ‘intrinsic factor in both national and local politics that cannot be wished away like that.”

He said now that Mr. Rawlings, who served as the sole unifying factor of the NDC is brazenly challenged by some in the party’s leadership especially those who hid behind his charisma when it was expedient to the extent of possible marginalisation, a secrete conspiracy to prevent the Party from coming back to power again has been hatched.

The DPP leader advised the current crop of NDC leaders in executive positions especially the former Ministers of State to retire from Politics and rather prepare the stage for the next generation of Politicians which includes Prof. Atta Mills the flagbearer of the party to help coin a new image for the party to endear it to the public.

He also advised the former President to distance himself from any kind of mudslinging as is being witnessed in the body politic in the country at the moment and rather contribute to nation building as an Elder Statesman. He thinks the former president has done so much for both the Country and the NDC and must therefore be preserved and not be reduced to an ordinary person” who is kicked about”.

Source: Network Herald