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Rawlings Talk is Rubbish - Nyaho Tamakloe

Thu, 10 Apr 2003 Source: Ghanaian Chronicle

THE FIREBRAND politician of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, has described last Monday's press conference held by the ex-president, Jerry John Rawlings, as "rubbish", adding that all that he said bordered on double standards with no merit.

According to him, all that Rawlings said should be treated with all the contempt it deserves. He noted that the issues he raised are nothing but a mark of hypocrisy.

Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe who spoke to Chronicle in an interview in reaction to the ex-president's speech, said he feels embarrassed whenever he sees the 'honourable men' who sit around without advising him or calling him to order.

He contended that the accusations made by Mr. Rawlings were a clear manifestation of a "man of gross inferiority complex", who showers abuses on the local press but grants interviews to the foreign press after he has left office.

"He formed a party out of a military junta and carried that party into the general elections and, on an uneven playing field, won the elections and declared himself president of this country," he noted.

Touching on misuse of incumbency, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe said, it was something unknown to the NPP administration and counter-accused Rawlings of introducing such misuse of incumbency.

Giving pieces of advice to NDC key members like, Harry Sawyer, Alhaji Mahama Iddrisu, Dr. Mrs Mary Grant among others to take a principled stand to maintain their good reputation. He said if they fail to take this advice, they would soon find out the real Rawlings after which they would probably make their decision.

Diagnosing points raised by the ex-president one after the other, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe stated that it was unfortunate for the NDC which introduced the misuse of incumbency in this country through physical use of money, importation of various propaganda paraphernalia and schnapps made from Japan with the NDC insignia to make such unfounded statements.

"In a situation where the NDC started exploitation of incumbency, who blames who?" he quipped.

On the politics of nepotism, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe said until politicians stopped thinking about what they can get out of politics and just work for the progress of either the party or the nation, this country will get to nowhere.

He asserted that the hue and cry by a section of the public over the biological brother of President John Agyekum Kufuor, Hon. Kwame Addo Kufuor, who was made the minister of Defence and the Interior until the recent reshuffle, was baseless, because he excelled even while handling two key ministries.

With regards to tribal politics, he said it was a secondary matter, saying, "In politics, you have to look first and foremost at the personality when giving an appointment, to know whether the person can perform and ensure that such a person is loyal to you. I have the belief and share the same vision as the leader that appointments should not be given to the incompetent," he added.

He compared the appointment of Dr. Kwame Addo Kufour by the president to the late American president, J.F.K Kennedy's appointment of his biological brother as Attorney-General for the USA, and drew attention to the fact that his brother did very well.

The leading member commenting on the issue of corruption said it was rather ridiculous for a pot to call the kettle black. He contended that during the reign of the (P)NDC, inquiries were made into the affairs of Dr. Adjei Marfo, Mr. P.V Obeng, Col. Osei Wusu, among others, as a result of their inordinate ambition to amass wealth and put up numerous houses, but were shielded when they were found guilty.

He said after a report came out confirming that those top notches had amassed wealth more than they could legitimately work for, then President Rawlings issued a white paper to whitewash their scandalous acts.

Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe, who vowed not to relent in his effort to urge JAK to prosecute those who might breach the slogan of Zero Tolerance for Corruption, added that he will still keep the government on its toes not to shield any NPP official who might be accused of corruption.

Speaking on human rights abuses by the NPP administration, he said, the ex-president does not know what he was talking about, adding that no government in the history of this country has trampled on the rights of its citizens since independence more than the (P)NDC under the leadership of Mr. Rawlings.

Source: Ghanaian Chronicle