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UK to help grow Ghanaian businesses

Jon Benjamin2 Jon Benjamin, UK High Commissioner

Tue, 23 Feb 2016 Source: GNA

The United Kingdom Government is helping Ghanaian businesses to grow by linking them up with over 20,000 world-class British suppliers in the healthcare, technology and creative sectors.

A statement issued by the British High Commission in Accra and copied to the Ghana News Agency on Tuesday, said the companies offered a wide range of high quality products and services to help grow the Ghanaian businesses.

The statement said companies who registered at before April 1 would not only benefit from being linked up with leading British businesses but also be considered to attend a four-day sponsored trip to the International Festival of Business 2016 in Liverpool.

The UK High Commissioner to Ghana, Jon Benjamin, said: “This UK government service through our UK Trade & Investment Section within the High Commission would help companies in Ghana to develop their businesses by connecting them to world-class British supply chains.

The UK Trade and Investment team at the British High Commission in Accra is dedicated to supporting UK companies with their business development in Ghana, it said.

The statement said the International Festival of Business (IFB) 2016 is the world’s biggest business events that would be held at the Exhibition Centre, Liverpool, a brand new state-of-the-art conference complex on the city’s world famous waterfront.

The IFB 2016 would include up to 75 events and cover all major sectors such as creative, digital and manufacturing.

Source: GNA