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MP rescued from mob attack

Fri, 30 Apr 2004 Source: Chronicle

But for the timely intervention of some public spirited individuals, the NPP member of parliament (MP) for Ashaiman Emmanuel Kinsford Kwesi Teye would have been given a sound thrashing by some residents at Kaketo, in the Taaboo electoral area of Ashaiman, near Tema, two weeks ago. According to eye-witness account, the angry residents charged at the MP when he alighted from his car, engaged him in a heated argument, ready to attack him when the good Samaritans interceded on his behalf.

?The MP hopped into his car and with the sped of lighting, sped off, leaving behind him a cloud of dust,? intimated our source.

Information gathered by The Chronicle has it that, during the 2000 electioneering campaign, the MP promised the people that when voted into the law-making chamber, he would see to the face-lift of roads in the Taaboo electoral area.

However, our source continued, ever since the MP had the mandate to represent the people in parliament some three years ago, they had not seen any pointer to the effect.

We learnt that a little over two months ago, a contractor started to deposit heaps of laterite on the roads in the area, ostensibly to reshape the road. The heaps of laterite, according to our investigation, made driving on the roads in the area very uncomfortable and dangerous to the lives of drivers on that road.

Our source hinted that Mr. K.K. Teye was on his usual rounds through the constituency and on reaching there, the residents who co-incidentally had gathered there, spotted him and beckoned him to halt.

The MP stopped and disembarked from his car only to be confronted and attacked verbally by the angry residents who did not understand why the MP has allowed the contractor to heap the laterite there and yet was not working on it.

It was at this juncture that the good Samaritans popped on the scene and went to the rescue of the frustrated lawmaker.

At the time of filing this report, the heaps of laterites were seen all over the road. However, our attempt to reach to MP for his comment proved futile as anytime we called his phone, the response has always been ? The mobile equipment you have called has not responded, please try again in a few minutes.?

Source: Chronicle