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Asante-Akim Central to establish cassava processing factory

Akyem Mce Asante-Akim Central MCE, Susan Akomeah

Thu, 5 Oct 2017 Source:

The Asante-Akim Central Municipal Assembly is to establish a cassava processing factory under the "one district one factory" programme.

A 12-member committee to oversee this had already been formed.

Mrs. Susan Akomeah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), announced this at the first ordinary meeting of the assembly held in Odumase.

The area produces tons of cassava annually and the crop has the potential to become a viable exportable product.

She called for everybody to give strong support to the committee to enable it to move quickly to get the project going.

Touching on the assembly’s revenue collection performance, the MCE said this was far from encouraging.

It had managed to rake in only 53.22 per cent of what it had budgeted to collect for the year as of the end of August.

She said they needed to redouble their efforts to make sure that every pesewa due the assembly was collected.

Mrs. Akomeah hinted of plans to construct small town water systems at Dwease and Nyaboe, to assure people in these areas of uninterrupted potable water supply.

She spoke of her unwavering commitment to work closely with the District Education Oversight Committee to improve classroom performance.

The schools would be provided with vital teaching and learning materials so that there would be no excuse for non-performance by anybody, she added.

She called for all to show loyalty and accept to work together to bring development to the population.
