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Ibrahim Sani heads to Ghana to explore business and investment opportunities

Lord Ibrahim Sani  Lord Ibrahim Sani

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 Source:

Ghanaian born UK-based Oil and Real Estate tycoon Lord Ibrahim Sani heads back home to explore the business and investment sector of Ghana's economy.

Been a successful businessman in the UK with properties in the UK, Dubai and other countries, Lord Ibrahim is compelled to go back to his roots to contribute in the development of the country.

Lord Ibrahim will be meeting foreign Ambassadors living in Ghana, Gorverment representative and other business owners to discuss how he could support SMEs and the private sector.

Growing up in Nima a local slum in the capital city Accra, Lord Sani can identify the significant impact of investing and creation of jobs to improve the business environment for both investors and local SMEs.

Lord Ibrahim seeks to work in partnership with both private and public sector companies in Ghana.

"There are difficulties in doing business in Ghana but by pooling all resources and ideas to leverage existing and new business opportunities to drive growth. I am excited to be back home for this goal." said Lord Ibrahim.

Ibrahim Sani was honoured this year with his Lordship tittle by the Queen of England. It is a title given to a British nationals who own numerous pieces of lands at the Queens mannor Estate and also have properties in the UK.
