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Archer vs. Baby Ansabah: Fists are Mightier Than The Pen

Wed, 20 Apr 2005 Source: Peace FM

Two prominent Newspaper personalities, Mr Ato Sam also known as Baby Ansabah of the Daily Guide and Mr Raymond Archer, Editor-In-Chief of the "Enquirer" on Tuesday decided to put aside their journalistic profession and determine who is physically supreme by exchanging blows at the premise of Afra Airlines, where the C.E.O, Mr Luke Butler was holding a press conference.

Speaking in an interview with Peace FM News this afternoon, Mr Ansaba denied physically assaulting Archer.

Recounting what actually transpired, The Daily Guide Editor said just before all the journalists entered the Hall for the press conference to commence, he overhead Archer in a conversation with a reporter from "RADIO GOLD" by name Roland saying that "I've finished him". This statement, Ato Sam (Ansaba) said infuriated him since he felt that Archer was adding salt to his wounds, with particular reference to an earlier publication in the "Enquirer," of Monday April 18 to 20th 2005 edition which sought to point out some of the marked failings and alleged double standards of the Daily Guide Editor.

The Enquirer captioned in its Monday 18th 2005 edition "The Price of Mercenary Journalism, Daily Guide is Hot." The story written by Raymond Archer, stated Daily Guide" reporter Baby Ansaba, was sacked from the Free Press newspaper in 1998 over a corruption and blackmail related scandal and was sued ?1 billion at an Accra High Court for libel.

The paper said Ato Sam, changed his name to Baby Ansabah after he was dismissed from Free Press following extensive investigations which revealed that he attempted to blackmail officials of the Ministry of Works and Housing in order to extort ?10 million.

According to Ansabah, he then moved towards him albeit menacingly and attempted to shove him (Archer) out of the way, adding that there was no contact. However, when Peace FM News got in touch with Mr Archer, he described in graphic detail that Ansabah swung an overhead right hand at him which he successfully dodged.

According to him, Mr Ansabah then tried to hit him with one of his shoes which he had them taken off, but for the intervention of other journalists who restrained Mr Ansabah and his (Archer's) quick thinking, the Daily Guide Editor would have struck home rather brilliantly. Not to be left undone, both men continued their fight on the airwaves of Peace FM, where they used some very derogatory words like "nonsense" (Raymond Archer) and other disparaging statements like "I will blow the shit out of him", (Baby Ansabah).

Source: Peace FM