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We don’t need metaphysical science degrees to know data is expensive – Saddick Adams

Saddick Adams Obama Saddick Adams

Wed, 4 Dec 2019 Source:

Lead campaigner for the #SaveOurData campaign – a campaign for a reduction in mobile data cost in Ghana, Saddick Adams has launched a scathing criticism on self-proclaimed experts who argue that a demand for a reduction in data cost is irrational, stating among others that one does not need a degree to know that their data is expensive.

The #SaveOurData campaign has gained widespread support following its launch on social media, with a police notice even duly served informing the police of a planned protest march against the exorbitant data charges.

But some persons, especially persons within the telecommunications industry have sought to downplay the complaints and concerns over data charges, arguing that the prices are commensurate with the data provided by the companies.

This, however, has been with anger by consumers and supporters of the campaign who have minced no words in calling out such persons.

“Does the fact that you work for a Telco make you an expert on how every consumer feels about service provision? NO. Does the fact that you disagree with people on a harmless movement make you a national jack? NO. Do people need a degree in Metaphysical Science and Telecommunications to know when their data packages are expensive and when 4G turns to Edge? NO,” he lashed out at the critics.

The multiple award-winning sports journalist has regularly complained about how data charges in Ghana are very expensive compared to other countries.

Full post of Saddick Adams on Facebook below:


There are millions of Ghanaians including renowned Lawyers, technicians, Engineers, students, drivers and market women who feel internet data prices in the country are very expensive.

They feel data prices can be drastically reduced. They feel taxes on internet can be reduced or eliminated to somehow ease the distress of the millions of addicted consumers. They complain about the rate at which internet data is rapidly consumed.

They insist internet service provided by Telcos in the country is very horrible many a times. This, they have decided to come together to demand quality and stable internet services as well as reduced charges.

They join the #SaveOurData campaign.

They haven’t hurt anyone. They haven’t attacked anyone. Just re-echoing and repeating what has been said about internet services over and over in this country.

If you do not feel what they are demanding is rational, so be it. If you feel internet service is quality and prices are very highly affordable, so be it.

What’s this condescending attitude of name-calling? Tagging others as ‘illiterates, inept, empty’ etc?

Does that solve anything? NO. These are childish and emotionally-induced reactions from so called ‘Professors’ of technology.

Does the fact that you work for a Telco make you an expert on how every consumer feels about service provision? NO

Does the fact that you disagree with people on a harmless movement make you a national jack? NO

Do people need a degree in Metaphysical Science and Telecommunications to know when their data packages are expensive and when 4G turns to Edge? NO.

So many people claiming expert tags in this country whiles same industry they claim expertise remain rubbish.

That is what some people in this country behave, unfortunately.

There are people who are going to fight against fuel price decreases posing as oil experts but they will be enjoying low key

After all people even have the right to walk to demand that they want water and electricity to be provided for free.

People have the right to demand that internet service be reduced by 60%. It may be irrational. You may disagree.

But do no arrogate yourself to a position of National Telco Education Professor of Data Services and What-have-you.

#SaveOurData has not hurt anybody. If it hurts, sorry Profs, but that is what we majority of Ghanaian feel.
