
It's wrong to blame all evils on satan - Rev.

Sun, 30 Oct 2005 Source: GNA

Kumasi, Oct. 30, GNA - A renowned Minister of Religion has described as not only wrong, but also unacceptable, the tendency for people to always blame all evil deeds and misfortunes that come their way on satan or the devil.

Primate S.K. Adofo, Spiritual Head of the Brotherhood Church, who made the observation, said most of such evils and misfortunes, are created by people themselves and not necessarily by the devil as always alleged.

He said such blames therefore needed to be placed at the doorsteps of the individuals and not the devil as often being done, adding, "just because satan is a spirit and not visible nor tangible, most people feel comfortable shifting all evil deeds onto it."

Primate Adofo made the statement when he addressed a Vigil Service held by the Brotherhood Church at Asuoyeboah, a suburb of kumasi, on Saturday night to signify the end of the one week celebration of the church's annual spiritual festival, known as the Tabbora.

The Tabbora was used to fast and pray intensively for national stability and security, and was attended by over 5,000 delegates and observers from Ghana, Togo, Cote d'Ivoire, Benin and Cameroun. Primate Adofo was not happy that the devil and witches, most often suffer the consequencies of evil deeds when in actual fact the root cause of such a mishap is " the human being himself".

He said this does not mean that evil does not come from satan, but only that some of such evil deeds "are man-made and self-created, and the human beings must accept the guilt instead of pushing it onto the satan".

Primate Adofo reminded Christians and leaders of the nation of the need not just to pray and attend church and mosques services, but to also back up such prayers with hard, dedicated and honest work. He made it clear that it is only through practical demonstration of the prayers by way of working that such prayers could receive positive response from GOD.

Source: GNA