'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' by Isaac Wilson Hits Stores

Fri, 20 Oct 2006 Source: ghanamusic.com

Isaac Wilson has a lot going for him. He isn't a big man ... but he's got a big voice and a huge heart for God. He is as beautiful on the outside as he is on the inside and he has probably never taken a bad photograph in his life. You can count on his music always being about the things of the Spirit and not the things of the world.

"I?m convinced that what people really want from music and their lives is depth, Isaac shared in his bio, and I feel like I have a responsibility to take them there. So much music today is disposable -the attitudes, the posturing, the styles but it seems to be less about music than it is about appearance, about fashion".

"Now, there?s nothing wrong with fashion. I love that stuff as much or more than the next boy. I just don?t want it to define me. But the deeper things in life -values, relationships, family, and my faith in Christ are what?s most attractive about a person. And they?re why I sing."

Isaac Wilson has been singing since childhood to inspire listeners through Holy Highlife (Gospel) and bold statements combined with inspirational beats help him do just that. Growing up with so many difficulties, things could have gone very different for Isaac, but instead of walking the wide road of the world, he chose the narrow path of the Lord.

His lyrics focus on real life because he's a real person and on praises and worship. This young talented dude is out to do more than just entertain ... he wants to make a difference in the lives of the youth that he meets. Talent, heart and great lyrics make him a name you may not know ... but you should!

His new album titled 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' (Ask The Lord) is one that soothes the soul and stimulates the mind. It is an album of relief for those depressed, those who think all is lost and those facing hardships.

Executively produced by Mr and Mrs J.Y Oppong, the 10-track album was released this year to an overwhelming response. Before it hit stores, orders had already being made. The album opens with 'Yesu Beye', which has a contemporary worship style that will bring anyone to an atmosphere of adoration for the lord with lyrics about believing that every positive thing we want in our lives can be possible with the lord.

Other touching songs on the album include 'Yesi Nkete', 'Aseda', 'Yesu Reba', 'Gye Me', 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' (the title track) and the likes.

The album will be one of the Top 10 best-selling Gospel albums for 2006. If you see any of the songs being nominated for any gospel award, don't be surprised because it deserves it.

"The response to 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' exceeded all of our expectations,? said Mr Oppong (his executive producer). The emails have continued to pour in with stories and testimonials of how this product is impacting people's lives. The most common question has been "When are you coming to perform for us?"

It is very clear after listening to 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' that Isaac Wilson is only interested in one thing ... praising God with every word that comes out of his mouth. The music is great, the lyrics are solid and if you like contemporary worship, you'll love this album. I highly recommend this CD to anyone.

I loved this album right from start to end. The music is modern and well played. The lyrical content is all about praise and worship, which in my opinion, is paramount for Christian living.

Recorded by both Brian Quaye of Diaspora Studio, Montreal-Canada and Kwame Nkrumah of ABNAT studio, Buokrom-Kumasi, I would recommend this album to everyone!

For more information, call: +514-274-3632, +514-341-0303, +514-804-7015 or email: isaacwlsn@yahoo.ca.

Isaac Wilson has a lot going for him. He isn't a big man ... but he's got a big voice and a huge heart for God. He is as beautiful on the outside as he is on the inside and he has probably never taken a bad photograph in his life. You can count on his music always being about the things of the Spirit and not the things of the world.

"I?m convinced that what people really want from music and their lives is depth, Isaac shared in his bio, and I feel like I have a responsibility to take them there. So much music today is disposable -the attitudes, the posturing, the styles but it seems to be less about music than it is about appearance, about fashion".

"Now, there?s nothing wrong with fashion. I love that stuff as much or more than the next boy. I just don?t want it to define me. But the deeper things in life -values, relationships, family, and my faith in Christ are what?s most attractive about a person. And they?re why I sing."

Isaac Wilson has been singing since childhood to inspire listeners through Holy Highlife (Gospel) and bold statements combined with inspirational beats help him do just that. Growing up with so many difficulties, things could have gone very different for Isaac, but instead of walking the wide road of the world, he chose the narrow path of the Lord.

His lyrics focus on real life because he's a real person and on praises and worship. This young talented dude is out to do more than just entertain ... he wants to make a difference in the lives of the youth that he meets. Talent, heart and great lyrics make him a name you may not know ... but you should!

His new album titled 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' (Ask The Lord) is one that soothes the soul and stimulates the mind. It is an album of relief for those depressed, those who think all is lost and those facing hardships.

Executively produced by Mr and Mrs J.Y Oppong, the 10-track album was released this year to an overwhelming response. Before it hit stores, orders had already being made. The album opens with 'Yesu Beye', which has a contemporary worship style that will bring anyone to an atmosphere of adoration for the lord with lyrics about believing that every positive thing we want in our lives can be possible with the lord.

Other touching songs on the album include 'Yesi Nkete', 'Aseda', 'Yesu Reba', 'Gye Me', 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' (the title track) and the likes.

The album will be one of the Top 10 best-selling Gospel albums for 2006. If you see any of the songs being nominated for any gospel award, don't be surprised because it deserves it.

"The response to 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' exceeded all of our expectations,? said Mr Oppong (his executive producer). The emails have continued to pour in with stories and testimonials of how this product is impacting people's lives. The most common question has been "When are you coming to perform for us?"

It is very clear after listening to 'Mon Nbisa Ewurade' that Isaac Wilson is only interested in one thing ... praising God with every word that comes out of his mouth. The music is great, the lyrics are solid and if you like contemporary worship, you'll love this album. I highly recommend this CD to anyone.

I loved this album right from start to end. The music is modern and well played. The lyrical content is all about praise and worship, which in my opinion, is paramount for Christian living.

Recorded by both Brian Quaye of Diaspora Studio, Montreal-Canada and Kwame Nkrumah of ABNAT studio, Buokrom-Kumasi, I would recommend this album to everyone!

For more information, call: +514-274-3632, +514-341-0303, +514-804-7015 or email: isaacwlsn@yahoo.ca.

Source: ghanamusic.com