96 ‘Madmen’ chase Kwaw Kese for stealing

Fri, 3 Aug 2007 Source: ghanamusic.com

Music is made to educate, amuse and entertain so those in the music industry has to do as such but for some time now there have been little problems in the music industry.

There have been grudges between artistes from time to time and the causes of this grudges are from diverse sources.

Some few weeks ago, there has been another storm in the music industry between the “Abodam” crew and Kwaw Kesse over the Akan word “Abodam” meaning crazy. In an interview with Weekly Fylla Don Elijah, the Vice of the “Abodam” Crew, he said; “the name “Abodam” was chosen by the crew 13 years ago because of the way members of the crew dress and rap”.

Elijah added; the name “Abodam” does not mean crazy but rather something nice, beautiful, underground and extraordinary. The “Abodam” crew was formed by friends who formally sold clothes and snickers around the Kwame Nkrumah Circle in Accra and more often sing and rap when the market is a bit slow. Out of that, we realized our potential in music and decided to form the crew”.

The “Abodam” crew has chambers ensuring the growth and smooth running of the crew. The chambers include: The Big Natural Funs (BNF) who are the pinnacle of the all the chambers followed by the “Abrane” Chamber and the Lion Rappers. The “Abodam” crew does not only have members in Accra but also have members in Takoradi and Kumasi as well. The crew has 96 members in all.

During the interview with Weekly Fylla, the “Abodam” crew said “Kwaw Kese stole the jargon ““Abodam” ” when they once met at the Hush Hush Studios when the “Abodam” crew was flowing the jargon. Kwaw Kese later approached the crew and showed interest in the jargon. Kwaw Kese later chose the name “Abodam” as his music name.

The “Abodam” crew noticing how popular and famous Kwaw Kese was becoming with the name “Abodam” threatened him at the Hood Natives Show which was held in Tema a suburb of Accra. In December 2006, the “Abodam” crew and Kwaw Kese met at a Carnival in Osu which was held on the Oxford Street organized by Vibe FM annually.

Kwaw Kese on hearing the name of the “Abodam” crew been invited on stage took to his heels and varnished into thin air. Until now, the grudge between Kwaw Kese and the “Abodam” crew still hold firmly with insults reigning on phones through SMS and phone calls.

The pinnacle of the crew will be coming out with their first album latest by the end of this year. The title of this album is OBAA ADWOA with Dr. Jim who is an optician at the Emmanuel Eye Clinic at Shiashi as its producer and DJ Prekese of Goodnews Fm in Takoradi as its manager.

The “Abodam” crew promises and edges all fans out there to keep their fingers crossed, keep hope alive and wait patiently for their first album which is about to hit the music scene soon.

Source: ghanamusic.com