Bandana reaction…

Wed, 17 Oct 2007 Source:

There have been a lot of talks and reaction to our last week’s publication of the misunderstanding between KOD and BANDANA. You see folks; insults are normally employed as umbrage against bad behavior, an unsavory situation or a relationship that has gone tart.

But does it achieve the intended objective of reprimanding the offender? Invariably it elicits an equal amount of expressive outburst from the victim and the result can be fatal or disturbing.

Bandana, like the humble lion responded positively to my call to react to the brouhaha that took place at the Trade Fair. “Boss” he addressed me, and continued, “I thank you very much, for your call. Since the issue came up it is only you who have been able to call me to make inquiries about what happen that night” He said, “You see KOD is a pretender.

He behaves as if he loves me but he doesn’t. Unless you are in his camp, he will not treat you well. The way KOD will introduce me during a gig is different from the way he will do to others. So before I go on stage I am already down “he revealed almost wiping.

“The day in question, I was on the Nescafe Africa Revelation show at the Trade Fair. When it got to my turn to perform the microphone went dead and the sound was worse, almost off. I didn’t know what was going on.

All I could here was my time was up. I became useless before the crowd and out of anger and disgrace I reacted angrily with unpalatable words”, he admitted. When asked whether he has regretted his action and called him to apologize? He responded negatively.

Eh!! Asem beba dabi…

Any lesson here? To me I think Bandana over reacted and should have made or protested to the organizers. What took place that night was a big disgrace to showbiz fraternity but like the proverbial adage when you are advising the cat make sure you also advise the salty-fish.

The behavior of some of the showbiz personalities towards our artistes leave much to be desired. Aden! Please don’t misunderstand me; I am not justifying Bandana’s illicit. In fact it must be condemned with the contempt it deserve with impunity. Perhaps there must be plenty of Bandana’s out there if care is not taken it will explode to something else.

That is why I want to share my small editorial here with you. I have personally experienced some of these things before. Just recently during one of the Ghana@50 events after some group of musicians had preformed the comperes of the night decided to take a rest with the excuse that they were tired only for one the organizers to act in their instead.

The artists concerned complained bitterly and had it not been that they have already committed themselves they would have boycotted the show entirely. Why are we destroying the very thing we are trying to build? This is purely the case of cutting your nose to disfigure your own face. True that?
