Evangelist Diana Asamoah launches new album despite motor accident

Tue, 2 Oct 2007 Source: ghanamusic.com

Diana Asamoah the renowned gospel niftier over the weekend put aside the traumatic experience she went through last week as a result of the car accident involving her Fiat and a motor bike on the newly constructed round-about on the Ejisu-Accra road and successfully launched her latest album, Madanse Diee.

Diana truly has a testimony to make as she miraculously escaped death as her song depicts and how she was saved remains a mystery and only God, yes only God knows.

She in fact exposed the power of faith she has in the creator that her presence didn’t show any sign of wariness or bodily pains as she stood in front of a packed to capacity audience at the CAC auditorium as she sang in praises of God.

By 3pm the Christ Apostolic Church auditorium was full to capacity with anxious audience wanting to catch a glimpse of their idol.

The huge crowd that trouped the premises of CAC Bantama Branch was not a bit surprise to many, because Oseikrom love their heroes and heroine so they were there in their numbers to ascertain whether the media reports on her during the week was factual and true.

In fact not only the people of Kumasi but her own musicians were there to show their love, sympathy and share their concern with her as they sang in turns to give the occasion the befitting euphoria surrounding it.

They actually portray the true Christian-love as they churn out series of songs to entertain the crowd before the ebony gospel diva took her turn. As the musicians took their turns to gig they proved their dexterity and maturity as they churn out songs after songs from their repertoires.

Joseph Mensah, The Angels, Agnes Opoku, Mrs. Faustina Allotey, Oware Jnr and Isaac Forson thrill the fans with sizzling melodious tunes to the admiration of the joyous crowd.

But when the Queen of Gospel sensational Evangelist Diana Asamoah was called to duty, it was like the whole auditorium was going to crumble in a jiffy. It was stupendous, gargantuan, classic, fantabulous, stunning.

You name the adjectives, w-a-s-k! Like any musical concert she commenced with appellation to God through some of her oldies before she beautifully did variety of songs on her current album as the expectant partisan audience who cold not help but to sing along with her.

She put up a splendid performance that marked the official launching of her forth album. She surprised everybody at the auditorium, with a sort of energy and strength she exhibited during the launch.

Performing at her favourite church temple, Diana traced her background as a musician, the difficulties and uphill task she has to face, her recent accident made her believe that the God she is worshipping is a true God as manifest in her title track Madansi Diee.

“I have to thank my God for saving my life and taking me through these difficult times” she said and continues “ I know my worshiping of God will not be in vain and goodness and mercy shall surely follow me until the father comes”

The event was chaired by Mr. and Mrs. Allotey who used the occasion to advise musicians to use their God given talents to win more soul for Christ. Among the dignitaries who graced the occasion were, Ekow Gyasi (Iron Rod dealer) Special Guest, Asante Gyimah, Rev. Twum Barima (FIRE), Dr. Kwaku Oteng CEO of Angel Herbal Cream was not able to come but was represented and almost all the presenters in Kumasi were there to lend their support.

Source: ghanamusic.com