It is lonely being a celebrity - Becca cries

Becca 2 Becca

Fri, 2 Oct 2015 Source:

Being a public figure is difficult contrary to public opinion.

Musician Becca in an interview with Kwesi Aboagye on Neat FM disclosed it is not as easy as it looks on the outside.

“It is very true that being in showbiz is lonely and if you do not handle it well, you would end up being the loneliest person on earth. This is because sometimes, you feel like the whole world does not understand you, you feel they are expecting too much from you”, she said.

She added, “And sometimes, you would wish people would empathize with you. Understand where you are coming from. And when you do not get that, you have to be a super hero and act like all is well and it really gets lonely.”

In a response to how she handles her loneliness, she said; “I have told myself that I have to accept who I am, I am human and so I have to get grounded.”

For her, one is easily lonely when pride sets in. “Sometimes when there is pride, you feel lonely. You are tempted to feel you cannot go about your normal activities like you would like to just because you are a known figure. Example is like buying waakye by the road side,” she said.

Born Rebeca Acheampong, she is currently on a media tour promoting her latest single Hw3.
