The Crusading Guide

Thu, 25 Feb 1999 Source: --

The Crusading Guide stories focuses on African affairs with a special placement on Nigeria's elections slated for Saturday. The paper, in a front-page story says retired army General, Olusegun Obasanjo told the BBC that he is not representing the Military in Saturday's elections as is being rumoured in the country. General Obasanjo is reported as saying representing the military, as a Presidential candidate was impossible since the ruling government had ruled out any such representation. When the former military leader was quizzed about speculations that he will oversee the military's interest when elected, he replied that he will seek everybody's interest, including the military. In a separate front page story, the Crusading Guide reports that the Nigerian media has described the former leader as being anti-Press, citing, many instances where he had been "extremely' rude" to journalists. The story says General Obasanjo's previous term in office saw him shunning local and black journalists while he granted interviews to their foreign counterparts. The mediamen sited an occasion when General Obasanjo snatched a microphone from a Nigerian Journalist during an interview.

The Crusading Guide stories focuses on African affairs with a special placement on Nigeria's elections slated for Saturday. The paper, in a front-page story says retired army General, Olusegun Obasanjo told the BBC that he is not representing the Military in Saturday's elections as is being rumoured in the country. General Obasanjo is reported as saying representing the military, as a Presidential candidate was impossible since the ruling government had ruled out any such representation. When the former military leader was quizzed about speculations that he will oversee the military's interest when elected, he replied that he will seek everybody's interest, including the military. In a separate front page story, the Crusading Guide reports that the Nigerian media has described the former leader as being anti-Press, citing, many instances where he had been "extremely' rude" to journalists. The story says General Obasanjo's previous term in office saw him shunning local and black journalists while he granted interviews to their foreign counterparts. The mediamen sited an occasion when General Obasanjo snatched a microphone from a Nigerian Journalist during an interview.

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