Review: Me Ne Woaa – Reynolds the Gentleman ft. Adomaa

Reynolds Review Reynolds The Gentleman

Wed, 2 Nov 2016 Source:

Artist: Reynolds The Gentleman/ Adomaa Song: Me Ne Woaa Label, Year: Vision Inspired Music, 2016

You’ve got to admire how elegantly singer/producer Reynolds dispatches his latest highlife duet with label-mate Adomaa. Titled Me Ne Woaa, the song is such a sublime celebration of love…so masterful, it is a kind of homage to maestro Kojo Antwi.

But Reynolds “ The Gentleman” is a genius, let’s not forget. As in-house producer of Vision Inspired Music (VIM), the outfit which brought us Adomaa, the band FRA of Happy Yourself fame among others, he steers the sound of the company, overseeing pretty much every song to come out of there. Perhaps until now, his talents have been more pronounced as engineer than singer. Me Ne Woaa changes that, or at the very least, sets him on that path.

There are so many things which make this tune a masterpiece: it’s founded in thorough melody, shaped by artistic kindness, and instantly familiar. At the same time, a lot of subtle trumpets and percussion call at you with each listen…particular strings and vocal detail too. And so, you hear and (more importantly), experience a deeper layer of warmth every time.

His verses aren’t special; the words do not contain outstanding poetry per se. What he’s saying isn’t something we haven’t already heard on a hundred other songs, or in real life. What makes this song shine though, is the unique aesthetic of his delivery. The trick is in the telling, not necessarily in the story. Here, we don’t merely hear Reynolds singing, we hear his emotions just as clearly. This quality of authenticity undoubtedly resonates with the ears it comes in contact with, making the song a favourite. This is a sure theory to achieving lasting recognition.

Analysing Adomaa on this song, on any song proves a challenge, because her singing doesn’t strictly conform to the “safety” of clichéed technique. On Me Ne Woaa, she takes this a notch higher –several notches in fact, for it is in a rare head voice she delivers most of her verse, easing in and out of English, pidgin, and Twi. Also, there are several other aspects to her delivery which cannot necessarily be explained, but are enjoyable regardless. Again, her verse is packed and rapid. To maintain vocal discipline, and even afford to show off under those circumstances, is just incredible.

Reynolds and Adomaa mirror an adorable chemistry which is easy and fun. This is extra-vehement toward the end of his second verse, the end of hers, and in how they share the chorus which follows. It’s not entirely shocking though, they’ve worked on projects as far back Adomaa’s Baafira mash-up, but never got round to doing anything together till now.

Finally on Reynolds’ style, it’s mature and tidy. He’s “The Gentleman”, after all. As for Adomaa, she too has matured into the specific sophistication typical of an “Afraba” who has become conversant with the colours of freedom.

The acts VI are indeed, jewels. Else, how can they, in their mid-twenties, be this aware of of everyday stories that touch? And how can they treat these subjects with the powerful compassion of those twice their age? How are they able to submit timeless songs this frequently? Awesome stuff!

Now, will you be able to listen to much else after coming upon Me Ne Woaa? That’s a very good question.



Written by: Reynolds TheGentleMan (Reynolds verses, bridge and chorus), Joy Adomaa Adjeman & Mikey Ashkar (Adomaa’s verse) Background vocals by Reynolds TheGentleMan and Adomaa Mixed and Mastered by: Qube Bass: George Ashirifie Gogoe of FRA! Guitars: Leslie Addo, Enid Osei Boakye
