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AMA opens Sunday market

Mon, 10 Dec 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, Dec. 10, GNA - Stanley Nii Adjiri Blankson, Chief Executive of Accra Metropolitan Assembly, on Monday announced the commencement of Sunday Street Market in the metropolis with effect from December 16 this year.

In a statement issued in Accra on Monday, he said the Sunday market, which would be a pilot scheme would take place in the Central Business District, particularly in the area enclosed by the Kojo Thompson Road, Selwyn Market Street, Kinbu Road and Kwame Nkrumah Avenue. The area, commonly known as Okaishie, covers a space of over 1,500 feet by 1,000 feet.

The trading period would be between 0800 hours and 1600 hours ever Sunday.

The statement said the siren would be sounded to signal the closing time for trading.

It said the Assembly would provide the traders with services such as mobile toilets, fire tenders, temporary health posts, uniform police personnel, city guards, sanitation gangs and information vans. The statement said traders, hawkers and individuals who had something to sell should seize this opportunity.

Source: GNA