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Attempt to humiliate JJ Backfires

Wed, 18 Oct 2006 Source: MoK @SIL

At the Great Hall of University of Ghana, where Botswana's Former President Quett Kerumile Joni Masire delivered a lecture on health, leadership and development in Botswana and Africa, an attempt to belittle former President Rawlings fell flat on the faces of Francis Poku and other government officials.

Sir Joni Masire personally invited former President Rawlings to accompany him and be by his side when delivering the lectures, but the organizers refused to give Rawlings a seat at the high table, and even failed to acknowledge his presence.

Rawlings was however content with sitting among the students.

When the Vice Chancellor belatedly mentioned that Rawlings was present, the whole hall errupted into joyous frenzy and a long standing ovation, making him the natural de facto guest of honour. This caused embarassment to the government who thought that by hiding Rawlings' presence, he would be treated like a commoner.

Source: MoK @SIL