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AngloGold Ashanti Bibiani wins safety award

Sat, 20 Nov 2004 Source: GNA

Bibiani (W/R), Nov. 20, GNA - The AngloGold Ashanti Bibiani Mine has received a five-star National Occupational Safety Association (NOSA) award following an intensive audit of the mine's safety, health and environmental activities.

With this achievement, AngloGold Ashanti Bibiani becomes the first mine in West Africa to have received a five-star NOSA accreditation. NOSA is based in South Africa.

Mr Peter Amponsah-Mensah, General Manager of the company, briefing the GNA at Bibiani in the Western Region, described the achievement as a prestige to the company.

He said the company had consistently improved upon its NOSA auditing since 1998.

Mr Amponsah-Mensah said the management; employees and contractors at the site were fully committed to achieving higher performance in safety, environmental protection and health.

He said the company had remained committed to its policy of progressive rehabilitation of disturbed areas with different species of nitrogen fixing plants.

He said the high commitment of the mine through the high degree of compliance with environmental permit conditions leading to a satisfactory degree of implementation of "best practice" with regard to the environment earned the company "the environmentally committed company in the mining sector in 2001".

Mr Thomas Nyarko Danquah, Manager in-charge of Administration, said the company would not be complacent but would ensure marked improvement in their achievements.

He said plans were far advanced by the company to train 20 community members in first aid as part of its community-assistance package.

Source: GNA