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Black market currency dealers arrested

Sun, 13 Jul 2003 Source: GNA

Aflao, July 13, GNA - A total of 12 black market currency dealers were arrested at Aflao by personnel of the Keta Police Divisional Command last Friday.

Many other dealers fled when they heard of the exercise to clamp down on their activities on the Ghana side of the border with Togo.

A source at the Divisional Command told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on Saturday that the suspects had been granted bail but declined to mention their names and the amount seized during the operation.

The source said the "unrefined activities" were causing irreparable damage to the economy adding that, the operation would be sustained to make the "environment hostile" for the dealers. Trading in money without authority contravened section six of PNDC Law 238 of 1993.

There have been several cases of duping travelers including foreigners by the dealers at Aflao.

Source: GNA