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CEPS Accra Collection exceeds target for 2008

Fri, 30 Jan 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 30, GNA - Despite last year's global economic downturn, the Accra Collection of the Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) exceeded its revenue target for 2008 by some 15.68 percent.

The Collection had a revenue target of GH¢ 110,200.00.03 for 2008, but actual revenue collected amounted to GH¢ 127,478,066.05. Speaking at the end-of-year awards night for staff in Accra last weekend, Assistant Commissioner Emmanuel Kermah of the Accra Collection attributed the "success" to pragmatic operational measures, increased levels of voluntary tax compliance and exemplary performance of officers, even under difficult challenges. He commended the General Post Office Unit of the Collection for tripling its revenue target for the year, which contributed significantly in upping the tax revenue.

Mr Kermah also congratulated all the officers of the Accra Collection for their vigilance, hard work and exemplary conduct, exhorting them to sustain the same team-spirit that yielded the achievement for success in 2009.

"Let this achievement encourage us to resolve to perform better this year", he said.

As part of the occasion, five officers who retired from the James Town Collection last year were presented with gifts. 0fficers who excelled in 2008 were also given awards. The Best Junior Officer awards went to Leslie Amartey, whilst Kweku Akorful was adjudged the Best Senior Officer.

Source: GNA