
Cabinet approves Digital Migration Contract

Flagstaff House Flagstaff House

Sat, 4 Jul 2015 Source: GNA

Cabinet on Thursday approved a 82.4-million-dollar Digital Migration Contract, to be executed by a wholly-owned Ghanaian company, K-NET Limited.

The migration to digital terrestrial television (DTT) will guarantee multiple TV channels, clearer pictures, better sound quality and offer more opportunities for advertisers and broadcasters.

A press statement from the Flagstaff House Communication Bureau and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said K-NET was expected to complete the entire migration process in nine months, with the project divided into three phases.

Cabinet, at a previous sitting, approved the auctioning of spectrums to be freed from the migration to pay for the cost of the digital migration.

According to the statement, KNET's 82.4-million-dollars contract is 13 million dollars cheaper than the 95 million dollars StarTimes contract, which was terminated for non-performance.

Founded in 1996, K-NET is a wholly Ghanaian-owned? ?telecoms infrastructure company,?providing ??world-class telecoms services comparable to international best standards.

The statement said "with a 100 per cent network coverage in Ghana and footprints across sub-Saharan Africa, the Ghanaian company is also the major provider of connectivity services to over 50 radio stations and 30 TV channels in Ghana."

It added that K-NET owned the? ?biggest ISP infrastructure supporting Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), Direct -to-Home TV (DTH) and Telecoms.

Source: GNA