
Capt. Francis Kwesi Micha heads PSC Tema Shipyard

Kwesi Micha New Capt. Francis Kwesi Micha

Thu, 7 Jul 2016 Source: Solomon Anderson

The Transport Ministry has appointed former Head of Marine Services at the Takoradi Port, Captain Francis Kwesi Micha, as the acting Chief Executive Officer of the PSC Tema Shipyard.

Capt. Micha takes on his new post with vast experience having worked in various segments of the maritime industry and rising through the ranks from an Assistant Freight Officer of the Takoradi Branch of the Ghana Shippers Authority (GSA) to serve as a Deck Cadet Officer of the erstwhile Black Star Line and subsequently as a Navigation Officer with Iranian Shipping and later Ship Captain of the Pacific Lines of Singapore.

He also has managed shipyards in Japan, South Korea and China with first-hand expertise in marine safety in his time as Security Superintendent of Pacific International.

Capt. Micha said on the sidelines of a tour shipyard that with support from other appointees and staff, the shipyard will be transformed into a vibrant venture to support national economic growth.

Although he decried the dilapidated state in which most of the equipment in the shipyard found themselves, he was optimistic that the company will be revamped to serve its intended purpose.

He said: “With the injection of the right capital and an attitudinal change from staff, the Tema Shipyard can become very productive and generate enough revenue for the state.

“I’m optimistic with all factors held constant, in a year from now, the Tema Shipyard will be viewed differently.

According to him, the shipyard will be revived to attract several ships which hitherto had go to neighboring countries.

“It is a good thing that I have been brought in here to spearhead a new transformation to get this shipyard to be efficiently up and going to rake in more dividends to government. I’m very optimistic that with the right capital injection, collaboration, and change in attitude, there will be a rapid change in the shipyard in a year’s time.”

Capt. Micha was born on 22nd December, 1963 in Cape Coast and had his secondary school education at the Ghana National College in Cape Coast and the Regional Maritime University (RMU).

Source: Solomon Anderson