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Cocoa workers kick against investigations into Dr Opuni’s tenure

Opuni Cocobod New Dr. Stephen Opuni

Thu, 19 Jan 2017 Source:

The Cocoa Industry Workers Union has rejected calls for investigations into the tenure of office of former chief executive of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), Dr. Stephen Opuni.

At a news conference in Accra Wednesday, the Union strongly supported Dr. Opuni for what it said has been the transformation of the cocoa industry to meet growing demands during his tenure.

According to the union, Dr. Stephen Opuni facilitated increases in sale of cocoa beans on the international market, adding the cocoa syndicated loans secured under Dr. Opuni’s administration improved the operations of COCOBOD.

It thus expressed worry about media reportage accusing Dr. Opuni and some management members of corrupt practices. Chairman of the Union, Hassan Iddris, described the allegations as untrue and pledged the Union’s support for Dr. Opuni.

The Union also rejected claims of intimidation of some members of staff of COCOBOD by the former chief executive who exited office on January 13, 2017.

Meanwhile, General Secretary of the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU) Solomon Kotei, who has been very critical of the Dr. Opuni’s administration says he would not reject any offer to serve as the chief executive of COCOBOD.

Mr Kotei claims the workers Unions would prefer someone who has risen through the ranks in the industry to be the next chief executive But the Chairman of the Cocoa Industry Workers Union, Hassan Iddris, has threatened to resign if Mr Kotei is appointed the chief executive despite the Union’s pledge to work with anyone appointed to head COCOBOD.
