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Commodity prices in Koforidua hikes ahead of Christmas

Sat, 14 Dec 2013 Source: GNA

Prices of some commodities have begun to increase just about two weeks to Christmas, the Esoko-GNA survey carried out in some major market centres have shown. The survey showed that prices of commodities such as tomatoes are on the rise compared to the previous weeks.

At the Koforidua market centres, commodity prices broke their nine weeks stability as prices of bags of cassava, maize and plantain all show increases. Also on the rise are prices of cassava that sold at GH¢1.00 last week going up to GH¢3.00 whiles a bowl of tomatoes that sold for GH¢6.00 went up to GH¢10.00.

At the Tamale Central and Aboabo Markets, prices of three major commodities namely millet, groundnut, and pepper saw increases. Local rice, on the other hand, saw a decline in price.

While millet, pepper and groundnut increased by 50 pesewas, local rice price declined by GH¢ 1.00 in the two markets. Prices of the rest of the commodities, including tomatoes, soya beans and onions remained unchanged.

Some market women GNA spoke to predicted that the price of rice may further decrease because of the start of the harvest season. Prices of commodities at Nima market remains the same compared to last week.

The survey revealed that, the price of a bowl of fresh pepper was unchanged at GH¢6.00 from last week and dried pepper is going for GH¢10.00. A bunch of plantain is selling at GH¢2.00 while a heap of cassava is at GH¢4.00.

A tuber of yam is selling between GH¢2.50 and GH¢3.00, depending on the size. At the Madina market, the prices of most commodities remained stable this week. Five fingers of plantain are being sold for GH¢2.00 same as last week and a tuber of yam GH¢ 3.00.

The price of a bowl of tomatoes is stable at GH¢10.00 while a price of a bowl of beans is unchanged at GH¢11.00.

Source: GNA