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Customer experience is the key driver to every growing business - Ethel Darko

Ethel Ideal Head of Customer Excellence and Quality Assurance at Groupe Ideal, Ethel Darko

Tue, 5 Sep 2017 Source: Groupe Ideal

The Head of Customer Excellence and Quality Assurance at Groupe Ideal, Ethel Darko has said the customer experience is essential for the growth of every business. She made this assertion at one of Groupe Ideal’s institution when the team went on a visit to create the awareness on service excellence.

She noted that Customer service is the key to maintaining good customer relations and growing a successful business. Customers today are savvy and have the power to choose between competing companies, which offer varying levels of customer service from poor to excellent. Investing in the customer experience enables the company to stay ahead of competition and should be a priority for all businesses.

Groupe Ideal currently has a customer base of 3 million and counting. Each customer contact is an opportunity to build a better relationship and differentiate ourselves from competition. We are committed to a service that leads to customer loyalty.

We are repositioning our business to enhance operations for product and service innovation through various customer focused initiatives in order to deliver superior service to our existing and prospective customers.

A good customer experience helps have an easy and enjoyable experience. It’s more than just providing answers; it’s an important part of the promise your brand makes to its customers. And it’s critical to the success of any business she said.

Rapport building with customers takes time, but when nurtured completely it produces dozens of amazing results. Therefore quality customer service plays a crucial role in getting repeated businesses. For us, at Groupe Ideal customer experience matters and is one key pillar for this year’s objectives for the business.

We are therefore committed to giving our clientele base the best of service and experience within all our operations.

Groupe Ideal is a financial and non-financial management firm that operates in the areas of Investment Banking, Business Finance, Asset Management, Mining and Offshore Consultancy Services, FCMG, Media and Security Services.

Source: Groupe Ideal