Dr Kofi Amoah is a businessman and an economist
Philanthropist and Economist, Dr Kofi Amoah has once again called on the youth of Ghana and Africa to keep up the momentum of fighting for a new leadership paradigm that prioritises the wellbeing of its citizens.
Citizen Kofi as he is fondly called, asserts that the current socio-political order where politicians connive and collude with both internal and external saboteurs to loot the resources of the country to the detriment of the large majority is unsustainable and inimical to growth.
Advancing the argument that democracy in its present form and shape has not worked or benefited the majority of Ghanaians and Africans, Dr Amoah said it is time to chart a new path that guarantees progress and development.
In a lengthy epistle on his verified account on X, which was formally called Twitter, Dr Amoah emphasized that the time had come for Ghanaians and Africans to stop looking for progress from those who had and continue to exploit them.
“Africa must chart her own course as others have and succeeded and jettison the practice of looking for progress from those who have exploited us (local exploiters and foreign exploiters) and who continue to benefit from Africa’s present leadership crises and waywardness, not to mention the negative mindset and self-hatred that continue to corrode and collide with good and sensible reasoning and judgement We must commence the internal discussions with the seriousness we can muster and the believe in the universal hope of mankind that good eventually overcomes evil.”
He says the current status quo bears semblance to the same mindset that led the majority of Africans into slavery and colonialism.
“The mindset and mistakes that pushed Africa into slavery and colonialism have transformed into today’s misjudgements and missteps that have wrestled Africa’s enormous resources from her leaders' visions and perspectives These resources are exploited by outsiders invariably with the connivance of African political leadership to the disadvantage of the poor African masses.’
Citizen Kofi also advanced further that, for a largely illiterate and bribe-able media, democracy is only serving as a catalyst to deepen the woes and poverty of Ghanaians and Africans.
“Democracy is overrated … and for a generally illiterate population and bribe-able media, democracy is deepening Africa’s poverty and corruption mindset.
Dr Amoah has thus charged and admonished all-well meaning Ghanaians and Africans to rise up and fight for the right course to steer the continent back to the road of development and prosperity.
“It’s time for Africa’s NATIVE intelligentsia of all types, men and women of African, Western and Eastern letters and thoughts, wisdom and practice, the young and the old, women and their men to rise to the challenge because that’s the only sensible option left to engender the discussions that can result in the creation of home-grown evolutionary solutions and programs beneficial to the indigenous African peoples.”
Find below Dr Kofi Amoah’s write-up on social media site X.
This tweet is long but I entreat you to read to the end … PLEASE
— CitizenKofi (@amoah_citizen) December 4, 2023
I speak of Africa:
1. Democracy is overrated … and for a generally illiterate population and bribe-able media, democracy is deepening Africa’s poverty and corruption mindset…