
Disregard actions of Concerned Gold Coast customers – Loyal customers to GCFM

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Wed, 27 Feb 2019 Source:

Some loyal customers of Gold Coast Fund Management (GCFM) in the Northern Region have called on management of the company to disregard and treat with contempt the negative actions and utterances of the Concerned Gold Coast customers.

According to them, it is a ploy by the group to put pressure on the company and make people lose trust in them.

In a press release issued by the loyal customers, they accused the group, Concerned Gold Coast customers of trying to convince them to join the force and also taking money to stage media events against the company.

“Some people have asked us to join groups to put pressure on Gold Coast Management and even going round collecting money from people to stage media events. What is the purpose of all this? Some of these people after collecting these monies use them for their own benefit. They even claim they will pay media personnel too with the money. We reject these actions. Only Gold Coast can pay us monies due us. We know they have invested our monies and will stand by us for years to come”, the statement read.

They further stated that “We want the public to know that we have gained a lot from the investment work of Gold Coast. We believe in the company and here in the north, want them to know that we trust in their well demonstrated ability to deliver on their promises”.

Read below the full statement


On Tuesday 26th February 2019.

We the Loyal Customers of Gold Coast Fund Management in the Northern Region wish to encourage the management of the company to disregard and treat with contempt the negative actions and utterances of the so called Concerned Gold Coast Group.

We recall with satisfaction that when other investment houses were stuck in Accra and Kumasi, it was Gold Coast Securities that broke the barrier and enabled those of us in the Northern part of the country to enjoy the benefit of investing for profit.

Some of the investments companies that came here recently have left, closed their doors and bolted with customer funds. But Gold Coast is still here with us.

We know that our monies have been invested with other people and companies. So we call on all those who have taken investment funds from Gold Coast to start paying so that we can have increase hope to get our money whenever we need it. This includes government agencies such as GETFund, RoadFund and Cocoa Board among others whose contractors have been financed by Gold Coast. When government agencies and private sector pay the contractors, they will also pay Gold Coast Securities. Gold Coast will also pay us when we need our money.

All we ask is that whenever Gold Coast gets some investment funds back, it should remember to do what it has done successfully for 25 years and pay us all arrears due from last year.

We are fully aware of the need to move our money from Structured Finance product to a new one approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. So we call on the management of Gold Coast to speed up the finalization of this new product so that we can endorse the new move.

Some people have asked us to join groups to put pressure on Gold Coast Management and even going round collecting money from people to stage media events. What is the purpose of all this? Some of these people after collecting these monies use them for their own benefit. They even claim they will pay media personnel too with the money.

We reject these actions. Only Gold Coast can pay us monies due us. We know they have invested our monies and will stand by us for years to come.

We want the public to know that we have gained a lot from the investment work of Gold Coast. We believe in the company and here in the north, want them to know that we trust in their well demonstrated ability to deliver on their promises.









