
ECG to take delivery of 120MW power ship August

ECG Workers

Wed, 29 Apr 2015 Source:

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is expected to receive a 120 megawatts power-generating vessel from Karpower Ship of Turkey in August.

The Istanbul-based power company is providing the power barge to the state-owned power distributor in the interim pending the delivery of two power barges in September this year.

Officials of Karpower Ship say they are still in discussion with ECG to finalise the agreement before the barge will be delivered.

According to the Sales Director of Karpower Ship, Patrick O’drisscoll, “it has the potential to deliver power in August and we are still in discussion with ECG about that.”

Meanwhile, Karpowership Company has announced the first of two emergency power barges that the government of Ghana promised to ease the power crisis will arrive in Ghana in September 2015.

The second barge, O’drisscoll told a section of the Ghanaian media, will arrive in Ghana January next year. The two barges are expected to produce 450 megawatts of power.

The Mahama-led administration promised the barges will be arriving in Ghana this April, but it appears Ghanaians will have to endure the worsening ‘dumsor’ for at least four more months.
