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ECoSIB launched in Accra

Ecosib Ghana New Group Pic of ecosib launch

Sat, 2 Jul 2016 Source: Ecosib Ghana

The Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation Business (ECoSIB) saw a grand launch in Accra yesterday at the Alisa hotel.

ECoSIB is an initiative that focuses on the business development capacities of SMEs with the seed value to enhance productivity and profitability.

Entrepreneurship for Commercial Seed Incubation is modeled after FARA/Unibrain's tripartite collaboration between Universities, Research and business for agricultural innovation development and technology commercialisation.

ECoSIB is a consortium that comprises Agri-Impact consult, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Crop Research Institute (CRI)and the Ghana Grains and Legumes Development Board (GGLDB) the mandate being to develop seed incubation businesses in Ghana.

The consortium works with key stakeholders and value chain actors within the seed such as Product and Trade Associations, Agro-Innput Dealers, Seed Production Associations, Seed Distributors, Certified Seed Growers, Off-Takers, Aggregators and operators of Agribusiness Centers.

ECoSIB is funded by the Scaling Seed and Technology Partnership (SSTP) programme of AGRA and it is the first seed business incubator in Africa.

Although the Minister for Agric couldn't make it to the launch, he sent a delegation in the person of Mr. Osei Nsiah Akoto(Ag. Chief Directior, MOFA) and his speech touched on the essence of the private sector (seed growers, distributors and input dealers), research and public institutions to synergizing strengths and capabilities of all key stakeholders for a sustained outcome of ECoSIB.

Mr. Daniel Acquaye, COE Agri-Impact Consult asserted that the goal for establishing ECoSIB in Ghana is to increase availability and accessibility of superior quality seed to smallholder farmers in Ghana through scaling up volume of breeder and foundation seeds and develop a care of seed business entrepreneurs with the requisite skills to engage in commercial production and distribution of superior quality seeds in Ghana.

The launch of ECoSIB was grace graced by Dr. Yeah Akinbamijo (Executive Director, FARA), Mr. Osei Nsiah Akoto (AG Director, MOFA) Dr. Akwasi Ampofo (Country Head, AGRA), Dr. Alex Ariho (Unibrain Coordinator), Mr. Daniel Achquaye (CEO Agri-Impact Consult), Jenna Tajchman-Trofim (Agricultural Development Officer - USAID), Mr. Thomas Havor (NASTAG National Coordinator) and moderated by Mr. Foster Boateng (County Coordinator, AGRA-SSTP)

Source: Ecosib Ghana