
Eighth Regional Conference on Women opens in Banjul

Tue, 17 Nov 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Nov. 17, GNA - The Eighth Regional Conference on Women (Beijing +15) has begun in Banjul, The Gambia. The week-long conference being attended by about 600 participants from 43 countries, would review progress achieved in Africa since the Beijing Summit on Women 15 years ago.

It would in addition, identify pending challenges for the implementation of the 12 critical areas of the Beijing Platform for Action. Mrs. Lalla Ben Barka, Deputy Executive Secretary of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), addressing the opening session urged gender experts, civil society organisations and governments to commit themselves to action towards equality and empowerment of African women. "It is time for Africa to depart from the unproductive manner of tackling issues. Indeed, the time to revisit habits and actions is now because women are still bearing the brunt of all types of shortcomings, crises, wars and conflicts," she said. This was contained in a release issued by the UNECA Information and Communication Service and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Tuesday.

Mrs. Julia Dolly Joyner, Commissioner for Political Affairs of the African Union Commission, said it was good to determine "where we are and what needs to be done to further the process of gender equality and women's empowerment on the Continent." Ms. Chinwe Dike, UN Resident Co-ordinator and Resident Representative of UN Development Programme in The Gambia, said for women to achieve greater heights required the active participation of men in women's development.

"Women's well-being cannot improve without including men because gender is relational," she said.

Mrs. Fatou Jassey-Kuyateh, Permanent Secretary, Office of the Gambian Vice President, said African women should reflect on actions to be taken to advance their cause.

She noted that Gambia had shown commitment to the Beijing Platform of Action with the appointment and involvement of more women in socio-economic development activities. "Both the Vice President and Speaker of the National Assembly, three ministers, a deputy minister and three other national assembly members.are women," she said. Mrs. Jassey-Kuyateh said in the past women were not contesting for elections, but now some brave women were now involved at the area councils and Parliament.

Dr. Monique Rakotomalala, Director of UNECA's African Centre for Gender and Social Development (ACGS), presented the new structure and an ACGS representative reported on achievements for 2008-2009. The restructuring of the UNECA's Committee of Women and Development would serve as an advisory forum of experts and policy makers, provide guidance to the Commission's work on gender equality, women's empowerment and the advancement of women. These accomplishments focused on gender mainstreaming, poverty reduction and improved ability for member states to implement and monitor regional and global resolutions. Between 2010-2011, the Centre would have an increased focus on gender-based research and analytical work as well as technical co-operation activities to support policy making and promote gender equality and women's empowerment.

The conference continues with a ministerial meeting on Thursday, November 18 and launching of UNECA's First African Women's Report on Friday, November 19. 17 Nov. 09

Source: GNA