
Exclusive: How Sierra Leone terminated Nick Danso's single-window contract

Nick Danso Adjei   New Nick Danso, CEO for Africa Link Inspection Company (ALIC)

Sun, 29 Mar 2020 Source:

Documents that reveal the details as to how the Government of Sierra Leone terminated a 2012 contract it awarded Ghana Link/ALIC to develop and operate a single-window system for the country after years of continuous failure and huge revenue losses.

The Government of Sierra Leone has even frozen the accounts of the company and reports of technical and financial audits of the company were scary as the indicted Ghana Link/ALIC of tax evasion and causing revenue losses.

Africa Link Inspection Company (ALIC), a company that is owned 100 percent by Nick Danso’s Ghana Link, that was used in actually fronting the Single-Window job in Sierra Leone has been indicted of tax evasion and causing revenue loss to the Government of Sierra Leone for years since the company was awarded a contract to, among other things, develop and operate a Single-Window system in that country.

It was just in January 2020 that the Government of Sierra Leone terminated the contract it had with Ghana Link, but back home in Ghana, the same Ghana Link says it is introducing a superior single-window system called UNIPASS to take over Ghana’s ports and indeed it has the blessings of Yaw Osafo Marfo although the supposed superior single window system has not been tried and tested successfully anywhere in the country.

Read below details of contract termination:
