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Fidelity Bank to collect bills for RG's Department

Fri, 22 Feb 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb. 22, GNA - The Registrar-General's Department (RGD) has contracted Fidelity Bank to collect all money pertaining to business registration and other services on its behalf.

A statement by the RGD quoted the Ag. Registrar-General, Mr. J. K. Harlley, as saying the move was to check fraud and other leakages in the system as well as generate the correct revenue for government coffers. He said staff of the bank were recently given a two-week training to equip them with the necessary resources and skills to efficiently and effectively run the office.

Mr Harley said a client service manager was currently at post on a one-year contract to improve and enhance customer related problems. Meanwhile, Mr Joe Ghartey, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, will on February 27 commission the front office of the RGD in Accra.

The front office, which is part of a 2-storey building being funded by development partners at a contract sum of GH 248,452,40 is expected to facilitate business activities within the country. It will also provide customer friendly services to clients.

Source: GNA