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GHACEM to donate to health, educational institutions

Sun, 25 Jan 2004 Source: GNA

Takoradi, Jan. 25, GNA - The Ghana Cement Foundation (GCF) a division of GHACEM, is to donate a total of 30,000 bags of cement valued at one billion cedis to community schools and health institutions throughout the country this year.

Last year, the foundation provided similar support for educational and health institutions in 400 communities nationwide towards the improvement in the education and health infrastructure.

Mr. Bjarne Schmidt, Managing Director of GHACEM said these at the 2003 annual distributors' awards night at Takoradi on Friday.

Shields, certificates and cement valued at 450 million cedis were presented to 40 distributors from all over the country as prizes. He said the introduction of the GHACEM Super Cement 45.2, was meant to improve on the products of the company so as to give customers the desired satisfaction.

Mr. Schmidt, urged Ghanaians to support the company in its expansion programme to meet production targets. Doctor George Dawson-Ahmoah, Marketing Director of the company said GHACEM sold a total of 33,000,000 bags of cement this year, representing 12 per cent over that of 2002.

Dr. Dawson-Ahmoah said both production and selling were complimentary and urged distributors to see themselves as partners of the company in the discharge of its duties.

He said although competition was good, unfair business practices could spell doom for the nation.

Dr Dawson-Ahmoah advised the distributors to persevere and use their experiences to sell their products and not to allow competition to drive them out of business.

Nana Prah Agyensaim VI, member of the GHACEM Board advised the distributors to pay special attention to their customer's requests and continually demonstrate loyalty to them.

"Pursue best methods and assist us to become the market leaders by being dedicated and united for the same purpose" he added.

Mr. Joseph B. Aidoo, Western Regional Minister said the increase in the production level of the GHACEM was due to the performance of the Ghanaian economy and assured them that with the ongoing constructional works, the company's production would double, adding that, the proposed farmers' housing scheme, would need large quantities of cement for the first 1,000 houses.

Ms. Akosua Dwomoh, of the Hensdwco Enterprise was adjudged the overall best distributor in the Western Region for selling 51,000 tonnes of the product.

Andymike Enterprise also of Takoradi won the second best distributor award for selling 50,000 tonnes of cement in 2003. 25 Jan. 04

Source: GNA