The Ghana Integrated Aluminum Development Corporation (GIADEC) has reassured that best practices will be adopted in mining bauxite deposits in the Atewa Forest Reserve beginning 2021 when the project starts.
According to the Chief Executive Officer of GIADEC Micheal Ansah, “Atewa is a very sensitive place to do bauxite mining because of the significant biodiversity that we have in the Atewa Forest we know that three principal rivers take their source from the Atewa Forest-the Ayensu, the Birim and the Densu so the plans that we have for mining will be based on a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment to ensure that where we mine and how we mine is very responsive to the environmental issues that are unique to Atewa”.
He said, “We want to make sure we mine responsibly. This is the direction that we’ve been given by Osagyefuo, this is the direction we’ve been given by Okyenhemaa who is a member of our Board and of course the direction that we’ve been given by the President of the republic H.E Nana Akufo Addo. So GIADEC wants to champion responsible mining. We want to do things in the right way so that the future generation of Ghanaians can look back with pride at what we have done.”
He said, GIADEC has completed mineral resource estimate and currently carrying out biodiversity and hydrology studies for baseline information to develop comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
“We are going to use all these to develop an Environmental Impact I want to assure the people of Abuakwa that the work that we are going to do here is going to be responsive to the requirement of the environment and expectations of the people of Akyem Abuakwa” the CEO said in an interview with Journalists at Akyem Asiakwa in the Abuakwa South Municipality during the inauguration of a 19 -Member Committee made up of representatives of traditional council, Municipal Assembly, religious bodies, Civil Society Organization, youth groups, BNI, NADMO, Police and NCCE.
The committee is expected to build strong community relations by working in partnership with a community-based platform with broad representation from community stakeholders, and address concerns raised by communities within GIADEC’s operational area. Also, the Committee will act as a body through which information will be communicated to the community.
Okyenhemaa Nana Adutwumwaa Dokua said the project will bring development to the mining communities and the country at large therefore urged residents to support GIADEC to execute its mandate of developing an integrated Aluminium Industry.
Some residents in the fringe communities of Atewa Forest Reserve were hopeful the project will stimulate the local economy and provide job opportunities to the youth.
Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation (GIADEC) was established by an Act of Parliament to promote the development of an Integrated Aluminium Industry (IAI) in Ghana. To achieve the IAI agenda of Government, GIADEC will need the buy-in and collaboration of community stakeholders within GIADEC’s operational areas. This will allow GIADEC to obtain the needed Social License to Operate.
A similar Committees have been inaugurated in Awaso, Nyinahin and Mpasaaso. Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation (GIADEC) was established by an Act of Parliament to promote the development of an Integrated Aluminium Industry (IAI) in Ghana. To achieve the IAI agenda of Government, GIADEC will need the buy-in and collaboration of community stakeholders within GIADEC’s operational areas. This will allow GIADEC to obtain the needed Social License to Operate.